Page 94
Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
Programming Notes and Examples
Issue Date: 01/02/23
void seDrawEllipse(long xc, long yc, long xr, long yr, DWORD Color)
void seDrawMainWinEllipse(long xc, long yc, long xr, long yr, DWORD Color)
void seDrawSubWinEllipse(long xc, long yc, long xr, long yr, DWORD Color)
These routines draw an ellipse on the screen in the specified color. The ellipse is centered
at the co-ordinate (x, y) and is drawn in the specified color with the indicated radius for the
x and y axis. These functions only draw the border of the ellipse; there is no solid fill fea-
Use seDrawEllipse() to draw the ellipse on the current active display surface. See seSet-
MainWinAsActiveSurface() and seSetSubWinAsActiveSurface() for information about
changing the active surface.
Use seDrawMainWinEllipse() and seDrawSubWinEllipse() to draw the ellipse on the dis-
play surface indicated by the function name.
If no memory was allocated to the surface, these functions return without writing to dis-
play memory.
The X co-ordinate, in pixels, of the center of the ellipse.
The Y co-ordinate, in pixels, of the center of the ellipse.
A long integer specifying the X radius of the ellipse, in pixels.
A long integer specifying the Y radius of the ellipse, in pixels.
A dword specifying the color to draw the ellipse. Color is interpreted
differently at different color depths.
At 1, 2, 4 and 8 bpp display colors are derived from the lookup table
values. The least significant byte of Color is an index into the lookup
At 16 bpp the lookup table is bypassed and each word of
display memory forms the color to display. In this mode the least
significant word describes the color to draw the circle with in 5-6-5
RGB format.
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