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Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
Programming Notes and Examples
Issue Date: 01/02/23
10.2.1 General HAL Support
This category of HAL functions provide several essential services which do not readily
group with other functions.
DWORD seGetInstalledMemorySize(void)
This function returns the size of the display buffer in bytes.
For the S1D13706, seGetInstalledMemorySize() and seGetAvailableMemorySize() return
the same value.
Return Value:
The return value is the size of the display buffer in bytes (1 4000h for the S1D13706).
DWORD seGetAvailableMemorySize(void)
This function returns an offset to the last byte of memory accessible to an application.
An application can directly access memory from offset zero to the offset returned by this
function. On most systems the return value will be the last byte of physical display mem-
For the S1D13706, seGetInstalledMemorySize() and seGetAvailableMemorySize() return
the same value.
Return Value:
The return value is the size of the available amount of display buffer memory directly
accessible to an application.
int seEnableHardwareDisplaySwapping(int Enable)
The S1D13706 requires 16 bits-per-pixel data to be in little-endian format. On big-endian
systems, the software or hardware needs to swap this data. seEnableHardwareDisplay-
Swapping() is intended to be used on big-endian systems, where system performance can
be improved by utilizing hardware swapping of display memory bytes in 16 bits-per-pixel.
If the system is not big-endian, or if the bits-per-pixel is not 16, this function will not
enable hardware display swapping. However, a flag is set in the HAL, and if seSetMode is
later called to set the bits-per-pixel to 16 in a big-endian system, hardware display swap-
ping is enabled. Also, if seSetMode is called to set the bits-per-pixel to a value other than
16, then hardware display swapping is disabled.
Call with Enable set to TRUE to enable hardware display swapping.
Call with Enable set to FALSE to disable hardware display swapping.
Return Value:
Function completed successfully
Returned when caller requested that hardware display swapping be
enabled, but system not in 16 bits-per-pixel or system is not big-endian.