Page 44
Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
Programming Notes and Examples
Issue Date: 01/02/23
These bits determine the X end position of the sub-window in relation to the origin of the
panel. Due to the S1D13706 SwivelView feature, the X end position may not be a
horizontal position value (only true in 0° and 180° SwivelView). For further information
on defining the value of the X End Position register, see Section 8.3, “Picture-In-Picture-
Plus Examples” on page 48.
The register is also incremented differently based on the SwivelView orientation. For 0°
and 180° SwivelView the X end position is incremented by X pixels where X is relative to
the current color depth.
For 90° and 270° SwivelView the X end position is incremented in 1 line increments.
In SwivelView 0°, these registers set the horizontal coordinates (x) of the sub-windows’s
bottom right corner. Increasing values of x move the bottom right corner towards the right
in steps of 32
bits-per-pixel (see Table 8-3: ).
Program the Sub-Window X End Position registers so that
sub-window X end position registers = x
bits-per-pixel) - 1
x must be a multiple of 32
In SwivelView 90°, these registers set the vertical coordinates (y) of the sub-window’s
bottom left corner. Increasing values of y move the bottom left corner downward in steps
of 1 line.
Program the Sub-Window X End Position registers so that
sub-window X end position registers = y - 1
REG[8Ch] Sub-Window X End Position Register 0
Bit 7
Bit 6
Bit 5
Bit 4
Bit 3
Bit 2
Bit 1
Bit 0
REG[8Dh] Sub-Window X End Position Register 1
Bit 9
Bit 8
Table 8-3: 32-bit Address Increments for Color Depth
Bits-Per-Pixel (Color Depth)
Pixel Increment (X)
1 bpp
2 bpp
4 bpp
8 bpp
16 bpp