Page 70
Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
Programming Notes and Examples
Issue Date: 01/02/23
void seGetSubWinCoordinates(DWORD *x1, DWORD *y1, DWORD *x2, DWORD *y2)
seGetSubWinCoordinates return the upper left and lower right corners of the sub-window
The coordinates are adjusted for SwivelView orientation.
A pointer to an unsigned long which will receive the sub-window x start
position (upper left corner).
A pointer to an unsigned long which will receive the sub-window y start
position (upper left corner).
A pointer to an unsigned long which will receive the sub-window x end
position (lower right corner).
A pointer to an unsigned long which will receive the sub-window y end
position (lower right corner).
Return Value:
unsigned seGetBytesPerScanline(void)
unsigned seGetMainWinBytesPerScanline(void)
unsigned seGetSubWinBytesPerScanline(void)
These functions return the number of bytes in each line of the displayed image. Note that
the displayed image may be larger than the physical size of the LCD.
seGetBytesPerScanline() returns the number of bytes per scanline for the current active
seGetMainWinBytesPerScanline() and seGetSubWinBytesPerScanline() return the num-
ber of bytes per scanline for the surface indicated in the function name.
To work correctly these routines require the S1D13706 registers to be initialized prior to
being called.
Return Value:
The return value is the “stride” or number of bytes from the first byte of one scanline to the
first byte of the next scanline. This value includes both the displayed and the non-dis-
played bytes on each logical scanline.
void seSetPowerSaveMode(BOOL Enable)
This function enables or disables the power save mode.
When power save mode is enabled the S1D13706 reduces power consumption by making
the displays inactive and ignoring memory accesses. Disabling power save mode re-
enables the video system to full functionality.
When powering down, the following steps are implemented:
1. Disable LCD power
2. Delay for LCD power down time interval [see seSetPowerDownDelay()].
3. Enable power save mode