Specify a character string of 2 to 255 digits.
The delimiter of the application identifier is separated by “()” (parenthesis). (Although printed
as HRI characters, they are not encoded.)
A start code (CODE A, CODE B, or CODE C) and stop code are automatically added.
Symbol characters FNC1 are automatically added following the start code.
Specifying ‘*’ results in the check digit being automatically calculated and converted to ‘*’.
Specify two consecutive digits for the application identifier. An error occurs if not correctly
If the application identifier is (01), the 14th digit of data is made the check digit but if the check
digit is specified, the barcode font is not verified. The check digit being automatically calculated
and converted to ‘*’ if the 14th digit is “*”.
Indicate special characters with a combination of ‘{’ followed immediately by a single character.
An error occurs if the data immediately following ‘{’ is not as indicated below.
Specify a character string of 38 to 66 digits.
The delimiter of the application identifier is separated by “()” (parenthesis). (Although printed
as HRI characters, they are not encoded.)
A start code (CODE A, CODE B, or CODE C) and stop code are automatically added.
Symbol characters FNC1 are automatically added following the start code.
FNC1 is automatically added if FNC1 is not present at the end of the data following application
identifier (30).
Control characters
HRI characters
Control characters (00h to 1Fh, and 7Fh)
Space is printed
Space is printed
Space is printed
{ is printed
( is printed
) is printed
* is printed
Left parenthesis of application identifier
( is printed
Right parenthesis of application identifier
) is printed
Check digit position
Check digit is printed