An error occurs if FNC1 is present at the end of the data following application identifier (10) or
(21) because FNC1 is not necessary.
If the application identifier is (01), the 14th digit of the data section is made the check digit but
if the check digit is specified, the barcode font is not verified. The check digit is automatically
calculated and converted to ‘*’ if the 14th digit is “*”.
An error occurs if the data immediately following the { is not a 1.
Specify special characters according to the following formats.
An error occurs if not according to the following formats.
GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional/GS1 DataBar truncated
/GS1 DataBar Limited
Leading application identifier 01 is not included in the character string.
When printing HRI characters, leading application identifier 01 is printed as “(01)” before the
packing identification code.
Do not add a check digit to the bar code data.
When printing HRI characters, the check digit is printed after the product code.
Specify ‘0’ or ‘1’ as the first digit if using GS1 DataBar Limited.
Control characters
HRI characters
Space is printed
Left parenthesis of application identifier
( is printed
Right parenthesis of application identifier
) is printed
Check digit position
Check digit is printed
Application identifier
14-digit number
1 to 20 alphanumeric characters
6-digit number (YYMMDD)
1 to 20 alphanumeric characters
1 to 8 digit number