Rev. 9
Report No. 28-AC-020
Nov 5/13
7-8. Fuel System
The system consists of two interconnected 21 US gallon fuel
tanks, which feed simultaneously to the engine. The tanks are
located on the left and right side of the aircraft over the engine
compartment. The tanks have a total fuel capacity of 42 US
gallons, with a total of 2 gallons unusable fuel, one gallon
unusable fuel in each tank. Each fuel tank is gravity fed to a
central distributing line, which connects to the electric boost
pump and engine-driven pump. The fuel control valve is an off-
on type and is located on the firewall next to the pilot’s right
shoulder. Each tank has an individual drain valve in the
bottom. There is also a main gascolator filter located aft of the
firewall in the engine compartment. The drain valve control is
on the right-hand side of the engine compartment and extends
beyond the side panel.
1. Fuel Boost Pump Switch
The fuel boost pump switch is located on the switch circuit
breaker panel. The red fuel pressure warning light (LOW
FUEL PRESS) is located on the annunciator panel and will
illuminate at any time the fuel boost pump is shut off or
fails to function properly.
2. Fuel Quantity Indicator
The fuel quantity gauge continuously indicates the total
quantity of fuel. It is hooked up through a float type
transmitter located in the right-hand fuel tank.
If there is a wiring fault in the fuel indictor system
(open wire condition), the fuel quantity indicator
will read full scale (beyond full).
3. Fuel Flow - Fuel Pressure Indicator
The fuel pressure indicator provides pounds per hour and
pressure readings of the fuel as delivered to the flow divider.
The indicator is marked for normal operating range from 0
to 160 pounds per hour and 0 to 25 psi index lines in 5 psi
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