Rev. 9
Report No. 28-AC-020
Nov 5/13
temperature measurement of the exhaust gases that are
delivered into the turbocharger unit. Maximum allowable TIT
is 1650°F.
TIT is displayed on a Graphic Engine Monitor (GEM) Model 603
or 610 (S/N 2139 and prior) or an Engine Data Management
(EDM) Model 700 (aircraft S/N 2140 and subsequent).
The GEM 603 Model displays turbine inlet
temperature (TIT), as a three-digit number (the
fourth digit is assumed to be zero (i.e., 165
indicates 1650°F)).
The GEM and EDM models display exhaust gas temperature
(EGT) and cylinder head temperature (CHT) in bar graphs, one
for each cylinder. TIT is displayed digitally for both models and
is also displayed in bar graph on the EDM model. The GEM
610 and EDM-700 also display EGT, CHT, and outside air
temperature (OAT) digitally. The EDM-700 also monitors and
displays rate of change of CHT (CLD), maximum EGT
differential (DIF), and voltage (BAT). Aircraft limitations are
based on the CHT indicator in the instrument cluster. CHT
indications on the engine monitor are informational only.
1. The EDM-700 initially starts in Manual mode and switches
to Automatic mode after power up (two minutes). In
Automatic mode, the display automatically sequences
through parameter values. In Manual mode, display
parameters are manually indexed. Tap the STEP button to
enter Manual mode. Tap the LF button, then the STEP
button to enter Automatic mode.
Fuel mixture leaning should be done in Manual mode. Once
leaned, monitoring can continue in either mode.
Fuel mixture leaning by means of the EDM-700
LeanFind mode is not recommended.
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