FAA Approved: Nov 26/13
Rev. 9
Report No. 28-AC-020
Nov 5/13
4-17. Practice Autorotations
1. Assure that helicopter is in a position to reach a
suitable landing area in autorotative glide.
2. Airspeed between 50 and 80 MPH.
3. Lower collective to full down position and needle will
split (i.e., DO NOT ADJUST THROTTLE). In the event a
power recovery is desired, raise collective to flight
condition. RPM will return to original setting.
4. Monitor rotor tachometer and adjust collective as
required to maintain rotor speed in green arc.
5. At approximately 50 ft AGL, apply aft cyclic to reduce
6. If touchdown autorotation is desired, roll off throttle to
idle position for landing before raising collective.
AVOID throttle chops to full idle at altitudes
7,000 ft above base altitude where engine idle
was adjusted. Engine idle speeds at altitude will
be less than those set at base altitude
conditions and engine stoppage is possible.
7. Level aircraft and cushion landing by raising collective.
8. If power recovery is desired, adjust throttle to maintain
engine RPM in the normal operating range. If the
throttle was not adjusted when the collective was
lowered, very little adjustment should be needed when
it is raised.
When making power recovery, avoid rapid
throttle movements until the rotor and engine
tachometer needles are joined to prevent
damage to the free-wheeling clutch.
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