Levelflex M FMP 40 with Foundation Fieldbus
11 Appendix
11.4.2 Equipment architecture
The Levelflex M can be used for measurement in a stilling well / bypass as well as in free
System integration via Foundation Fieldbus
The system integration via Foundation Fieldbus is described in Chapter 5.5.
On-site operation:
with display and operating module VU 331,
with a Personal Computer, FXA 193 and the operating software ToF Tool.
The ToF Tool is a graphical operating software for instruments from Hauser
that operate based on the time-of-flight principle (radar, ultrasonic, guided micro-
impulse). It assists with commissioning, securing data, signal analysis and
documentation of the measuring point.
Remote operation:
with a Personal Computer, a Fieldbus H1 card (e.g. NI Fieldbus Interface Board) and a
network configuration software (e.g. NI-FBUS configurator) and the operating software
ToF Tool.