Float Tank Gauge LT11/12
Counter display
After removing the cover from the indicator of the gauge head, loosen a screw of the center on a scale plate in
order to be rotated the scale plate freely. The counter drum changes one position a numeral of the first drum
every rotations (100 mm) of the scale plate.
1) Turning the scale plate, set the numerical value of counter drum to the three upper digits of the liquid
2) Set scale plate to the pointer corresponding with the two lower digits of the liquid level and tighten the
screw on scale plate.
When the pointer is indicating the range of between 97 through 03 on the scale plate as following figure,
numerical change on drum can not change momentarily.
As it changes gradually keeping constantly the relation between the rotation of scale plate and the numerical
change, the counter will display a numeral half-asset, Therefore, in order to exclude wrong readout, windows
and a part on the scale plate are distinguished by using different colors.
Pointer (red)
Yellow side
Black side
Secand drum
First drum
Third drum
When the pointer (red) points out yellow
part, a numeric should read yellow side of
counter, when it point out black part, read
black side of counter.
Yellow side : 14000 mm
Black side : 13999 mm
Dial plate
4 Display