displayed on the fascia mounted receiver. The microproces-
sor also limits the number of compressor starts per hour to
reduce wear on the compressor.
The infrared transmitter is used to switch the unit on/off,
change temperature settings, fan speed, operating mode and
to toggle the motorized air sweep (where fitted). The micro-
processor also has a built-in clock which can be activated to
enable the unit to be programmed with up to two separate
operating periods for the days of the week (Mon-Fri). The
clock provides On/Off unit operation and is not a night set
back or occupied/unoccupied control function. Mon-Fri will
operate as a ‘block’ of days and cannot be programmed
independently of one another. Saturdays and Sundays can
each be programmed with up to two separate operating pe-
riods and are programmed independently of weekdays and
each other.
A fascia mounted receiver displays On/Off, cool or heat and
timer/alarm status.
Wire framed filters are fitted. These are reusable
and may be vacuum cleaned.
A condensate pump is fitted to carry
water out of the unit. The pump is fixed to a mounting bracket
which can be withdrawn from the side of the chassis and
incorporates an inspection hole to allow a visual check of
the pump during operation. A float switch is fitted to stop the
cooling action should the pump become blocked or fail.
Air outlet vanes are manufactured from alumi-
num and covered with nylon flock to prevent condensation
from forming. Vanes are manually adjustable on the 2 x 2
model units or driven by an electric motor on all other model
units. Where fitted, the motorized air vanes can be set to
auto sweep or can be stopped in a fixed position.
The cassette may be fitted with either electric
heaters or a hot water coil. It is recommended that heat
pumps be fitted with the electric heat option to offset the
defrost cycle. Electric heaters are fitted with over-heat cut
out switches.
Fresh air may be introduced to
the unit by the addition of ducts connected to the fresh air
knockouts on the Cassette case. It is usually advised that
the fresh air volume is approximately 10% of the unit’s pub-
lished maximum air flow.
The cassette fascia and main chassis are
supplied together for increased protection. Remove the band-
ing straps and lift the cardboard lid. Remove the bubble wrap
and polystyrene packing pieces to expose the unit. The fas-
cia should be unpacked first by unclipping the inlet grille and
loosening the four M5 screws retaining the fascia in place.
The fascia can now be slid sideways and pulled away from
the chassis. When removing the Cassette chassis from the
box the four corner brackets should be utilized for lifting. In
order to protect the fascia from dirt and damage, it should be
returned to the box until it is ready to be installed.
When branch ducting is to be used,
two polystyrene pieces for blanking off fascia open-
ings are Included with the fascia packing. Up to two
opposing sides may be blanked off.
- The Cassette installation position should
be selected with the following points in mind:
1. Pipe work, electrical connections and condensate pump
access panel should be readily accessible.
2. When installing a unit with an externally mounted
electrical control panel, ensure that sufficient access to
the panel is provided for maintenance purposes. Access
to the condensate pump access panel should be
provided on all model sizes.
3. The unit should not be positioned less than 5 ft. from a
wall or similar obstruction, or in a position where the
discharge air could blow directly on the thermostat.
4. The unit should not be positioned directly above any
5. The condensate drain should have sufficient fall (1” per
10’) in any horizontal run between Cassette and drain.
Maximum condensate pump lift is 18".
6. There should be sufficient room above the false ceiling
for installing the Cassette as shown below
“dimensions” in this IOM for cabinet sizing)
Small Cabinet
A = 12-3/4” min.
Medium Cabinet
A = 11-1/2” min.
Large Cabinet
A = 13-1/2” min.
In addition to po-
sitioning the Cassette correctly, it is very important to locate
the wall mounted thermostat in the optimum position to en-
sure good temperature control. Therefore the installation
should be selected with the following points in mind: