RSTi-OM User Manual
Section 9
Jun 2021
PROFINET IO Reference Information
Automatic Data Storage
Displays whether a port is configured to automatically upload
data from the IO-Link device or download data from the IOLM
to the IO-Link device.
Disabled displays if automatic upload or download are not
Auxiliary Input (AI) Bit Status The current status of the auxiliary bit as received on DI (Pin 2
on the IOLM) of the IO-Link port.
Device PDI Data Length
The supported Device PDI Data Length, in bytes, as stored in
ISDU Index 0.
PDI Data Valid
Current status of PDI data as received from the IO-Link device.
Last Rx PDI Data (MS Byte
The last Rx PDI data was received from the IO-Link device.
PDO Lock Enable
If enabled on the Configuration| IO-Link Settings page, an
industrial protocol application (PROFINET IO, EtherNet/IP, or
Modbus TCP) can lock the write access to the PDO value so
that the PDO value cannot be changed by other protocols
(including OPC UA or the Web interface). Such a lock is
released when the PLC to IO-Link Master network link
PDO Locked
Indicates whether or not one of the industrial protocol
applications has locked the write access to the PDO value.
Device PDO Data Length
The supported Device PDO Data Length, in bytes, as stored in
ISDU Index 0.
PDO Data Valid
Status of PDO data being received from the controller(s).
Last Tx PDO Data (MS Byte
The last Tx PDO data.
Time Since Initialization
The time since the last port initialization.
Process Data Errors
The number of process data errors the port received.
Process Data Retries
The number of process data retries the port performed.
Total Events
The total number of events that were received on this port.
First Events
Up to the first, or oldest, three events that were received on
this port.
Last Events
Up to the last, or most recent, three events that were received
on this port.
ISDU Statistics
ISDU Read Cmd Attempts
The number of read ISDU command attempts.
ISDU Read Cmd Errors
The number of read ISDU command errors.
ISDU Write Cmd Attempts
The number of write ISDU command attempts.
ISDU Write Cmd Errors
The number of write ISDU command errors.