RSTi-OM User Manual
Section 12
Jun 2021
MQTT Interface
"hwvers": "HW01.00",
"fwvers": "FW01.02",
"apptag": "Your automation, our passion.",
"functag": "R200 series",
"loctag": "***",
"pdibytes": 4,
"pdobytes": 1,
"isducapable": true,
"dscapable": true,
"dslength": 213,
"iolinkvers": "11"
An event data object is published each time an event occurs for any port. Example payload:
"port" : 1,
"instance" : 3,
"mode" : 1,
"type" : 1,
"pdvalid" : 0,
"local" : 1,
"code" : 36,
"description" : "inst=AL mode=SINGLE type=MESSAGE
pd=INVALID local=ff code=0x0024:M_PREOPERATE"
PDI values are published when they change. Raw byte array data is always present. If PDI length is 4 or less, an
unsigned integer version is also present. If an IODD file is present, dissected field values will be present for the
configured process data group as defined by the IODD. If enabled, the process data field names will be
"sanitized" so that they are legal JavaScript identifiers by replacing illegal characters with underscores.
Example payloads:
"port" : 2,
"valid" : 1,
"uint" : 366,
"raw" : [1,137]