RSTi-OM User Manual
Warnings and Cautions
Jun 2021
Warnings and Cautions
Warnings and Caution Notes as Used in this Publication
Warning notices are used in this publication to emphasize that hazardous voltages, currents, temperatures, or other
conditions that could cause personal injury exist in this equipment or may be associated with its use.
In situations where inattention could cause either personal injury or damage to equipment, a Warning notice is used.
Caution notices are used where equipment might be damaged if care is not taken.
Note: Notes merely call attention to information that is especially significant to understanding and operating
the equipment.
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment, nor to provide for every possible
contingency to be met during installation, operation, and maintenance. The information is supplied for informational
purposes only, and Emerson makes no warranty as to the accuracy of the information included herein. Changes,
modifications, and/or improvements to equipment and specifications are made periodically and these changes may or
may not be reflected herein. It is understood that Emerson may make changes, modifications, or improvements to the
equipment referenced herein or to the document itself at any time. This document is intended for trained personnel
familiar with the Emerson products referenced herein.
Emerson may have patents or pending patent applications covering the subject matter in this document. The
furnishing of this document does not provide any license whatsoever to any of these patents.
Emerson provides the following document and the information included therein as-is and without warranty of any
kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited to any implied statutory warranty of merchantability or fitness for
a particular purpose.