2.6.3 Oil filling and oil level
Owing to operation with flammable refrigerant, YBVH* compressors have no oil sight glass which
ensures maximum hermeticity. Consequently, it is difficult to get an indication about the actual oil
level in the compressor during operation. A sample compressor equipped with an external oil sight
tube can be ordered from Emerson for lab testing
– see
Figure 3
For all new systems with YBVH* compressors, it is mandatory to check and test the oil distribution
and compressor oil filling using a dedicated sample compressor equipped with an external oil sight
The factory oil filling for all YBVH* compressor models has been optimized to a value of 600 ml,
which corresponds to a level between 116 mm and 75 mm on the external oil sight tube. The oil level
should be within these limits for all applications.
All YBVH* compressors are equipped with a positive displacement twin oil pump. The oil sump is
located on the lower end of the compressor housing
– see right-hand side of the compressor housing
Figure 2
. The oil level in the oil sump does not reflect the oil filling in the rest of the compressor
Figure 2
shows the acceptable oil level between 116 mm and 75 mm.
Figure 2: Acceptable oil level between 116 mm and 75 mm
Figure 3: YBVH* sample compressor with external oil sight tube and markings