Troubleshooting and fault elimination
page 64
Troubleshooting and fault elimination
The four LED's in the cover of the power feedback unit display the operating
condition. For easier visibility during service and first powering up similar
LED's are placed on the control board. Unlike to the cover on the control board
there are separate orange and green LED’s, whose function in the cover are
served by a bicolour (green/orange) LED.
If the power feedback unit trips during a retardation, it must not be reset until
the end of the retardation and until the DC-bus voltage has fallen to normal
To avoid any kind of problems you can block the impulse-release of the in-
verter by connecting the collective-error-relay-contact of the power-feedback-
unit with the corresponding connection of the frequency inverter.
The power feedback unit trips by the U
-protective-circuitry, if the specific
maximum current of the device is exceeded. The principle of this protective-
circuitry implies that for a short time (less than one millisecond) the IGBT is
stressed over its specification for normal operation. For an single case this
means no problem for the power feedback unit. However, if the over current
cut off arises often or even periodically, the high power semiconductors will
age very rapidly and fail premature.
The cause of periodical U
cut offs may be over load, under voltage in the
network, a defective or oscillating controller, an oscillating reference input or a
wrong design of the plant.