The Smartpack S Controller
User Guide •
Smartpack S Controller
350030.013, 1v0-2012-06
Location of Connector, Communication Ports
For a complete list of signals, pin-out, etc, refer to chapter
Figure 2. Location of pluggable terminal blocks, RS232/RS485 port and Ethernet
connector in the Smartpack S controller (the pluggable terminals may be black
or green)
All the controller’s system connections to the system’s backplane are implement-
ed via an edge connector, when inserting the controller in the power system.
Notice that when using the RS232 / RS485 port, you must configure RS232 to
COM1 and RS485 to COM2, e.g. via
RJ-45 socket
(for Ethernet connection)
RJ-11 socket
(for RS232 or RS485 connection)
RJ-11 Pin-out
Function - Signal - Pinout
RS485 A 1
RS485 B 2
RS232 TxD 3
RS232 RxD 4
na -- 5
signal GND 6
RJ-45 Pin-out
Function Ethernet
Signal Pinout
Tr 1
Transmit – 2
Ground 4
Receive – 5
Ground 6
Ground 7
Ground 8
Relay contacts shown with
de-energized coil (Alarm)
DIP switches
(CAN ID address)
Customer I/O Terminals
(side view)
Smartpack S Controller
X:* Pin 1+
X:* Pin 2–
X:*** 1NO
X:*** 1NC
X:*** 1C
X:***** 6NC
X:** Pin 6–
Configurable Sense Inputs (6)
Alarm Relay Outputs (6)