Compressed air can damage the water-tightness of certain electrical
• A vacuum cleaner is sufficient for removing dirt even if it is located at hard-to-reach loca
If you must remove the protective cover in order to perform maintenance, make
sure you replace this correctly thereafter. Safeguards are there to protect you.
11.3.3 Cleaning ventilation grilles
For safety reasons and noise considerations, the mechanical ‘heart’ of the machine is fully
encased by large protective covers. The functioning of the mechanical components goes
hand in hand with the production of heat (engine, hydraulics, belt,…). Cooling is therefore
vital and it is important that there is a sufficient flow of cold air around the machine. See the
cool air-flow on the following diagram.
Check whether the suction opening for the cool air is free from blockages.
See the cool air-flow on the following diagram.
• Check whether the suction opening for the cool air is free from blockages.
• Make sure that the engine’s cooling fins are not blocked.
• Make sure that the exhaust openings for hot air are not blocked.
• Make sure there are no accumulated snow residues that could hinder cooling of the
structure and the hydraulic components.