ELECTRO FREEZE Soft Serve Model SL500
The cleaning instructions explained in this section are procedures to remove bacte-
ria and maintain a clean, sanitary freezer. The soft serve freezer must be disas-
sembled, washed and sanitized according to the instructions in this manual. Always
sanitize before start-up to ensure the best possible cleanliness.
Figure 6-5 Clean the mix feed tube
Figure 6-6 Clean the head ports
Cleaning Instructions
Electric shock hazard. Do not splash water on switches or allow water
to flow onto electrical components inside the machine.
To prevent bacteria growth, remove all o-rings when cleaning. Failure
to do so could create a health hazard.
It is your
responsibility to be
aware of the require-
ments for meeting
federal, state, and
local laws concern-
ing the frequency of
cleaning and sanitiz-
ing the freezer.
1. Prepare a three-compartment sink
for washing, rinsing, and sanitizing parts
removed from the freezer, per applicable
health codes. Also, prepare a clean surface
to air-dry all parts.
Do not use unapproved sanitizer or
laundry bleach. These materials may
contain high concentrations of chlo-
rine bleach and will chemically attack
freezer components.
The sanitizer should be mixed
according to the manufacturer’s instruc-
tions to yield 100 parts per million (PPM)
available chlorine solution. (example:
Stera Sheen Green Label). Use warm
water (100 to 110°F or 38 to 43°C) to
wash, rinse, and sanitize. Make sure the
sanitizer is mixed thoroughly and has
completely dissolved.
2. Wash all parts removed from the
freezer thoroughly with a warm, mild dish
detergent solution. Clean the following
parts with the appropriate supplied
a. The mix feed tube, regulator
main bore and cross holes (figure 6-5).
b. The head plunger openings,
center plunger ports, breaker bar cavi-
ties, o-ring grooves, dispense nozzle
mounting rings and mix ports (figure 6-
c. The shaft seals, washers,
plunger o-ring grooves and nozzles (figure 6-
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