EasyTrac k
Vers ion: 2004/06/17
Page 30
Shows the status for the GPS module of EasyTrack.
If no error has occurred, OK is displayed. EasyTrack
signalizes the following error states:
Bit 1: no signal received from GPS receiver
Bit 2: no telegram received from GPS receiver
Bit 4: no response from GPS receiver
Shows the SMS status of EasyTrack. In the
current version of the EasyTrack firmware, no
error is signalized yet, for this reason the field
of EasyTrack Manager displays
Reset count
Shows the number of the resets carried out by
Configuration file
On register card
, all configuration data can
be entered through a dialog field. All input data are stored
after having left this register card and in case the program
is closed. In addition, the input data can be stored in a
configuration file (.CFG). For this purpose, a valid path and
file name have to be indicated in the input field
Configuration file
. If no file name has been given yet, the
storing of a file can also be started through the button
Write data...
. In this case it has the same
function like the
and the data will be written after file
selection. If the file indicated in the input field
Configuration file
is found, the data of this file are shown
in the according fields (
Creation Time
Last Access Time
Last Write Time
. The data can now be stored with the
Write data...
Upload of Data ( PC => EasyTrack )
If a connection to EasyTrack is available, all entries on the
register card
can be loaded into EasyTrack.
Please observe that EasyTrack must carry out a reset to
adopt the new data.
Download of Data ( EasyTrack => PC)
If a connection to EasyTrack is available (see status bar),
actual data of EasyTrack will be downloaded after clicking
on this button. This function works also automatically, after
selection of register card