Allow this appliance to completely
cool before performing maintenance.
Cleaning the Cooking Chambers
The cooking chambers should be cleaned periodically
with warm soapy water and a non-abrasive scrubber.
Remove masonry to ensure that soap does not contact
the masonry. Allow unit to dry thoroughly after cleaning.
Cleaning External Surfaces
Keep your Wood-Fired Pizza Oven & Smoker looking
clean by regularly washing it with warm soapy water.
Again, avoid using an abrasive scrubber as this may
damage the surface finish.
Care and Maintenance of the Masonry
Light Cleaning
•Scrape off food particles with a plastic scraper or
spatula. A soft wire or fiber brush can also be used to
lightly release particles from the stone surface.
•Remove loose particles with a vacuum or with a hand
broom and dust pan.
•Use a clean, damp rag to wipe the stone.
•Allow stone to
dry completely
before heating the pizza
Thorough Cleaning
•Carefully remove the pizza stone. Be sure to allow your
pizza stone to completely cool before removing it for
•Carefully clean the pizza stone with a wire pizza stone
brush and damp rag. Use a damp rag to wipe the three
bricks if necessary. Do not use soap or detergent as this
will damage the masonry.
•Scrape off food particles with a plastic scraper or
spatula. A soft wire pizza stone brush can also be used
to lightly release of particles from the stone surface.
•Carefully dry the pizza stone and three bricks with a
clean towel and then allow to air dry.
•Place masonry back in the oven when dry. NEVER put
damp masonry in a warm/hot pizza oven as it may
crack if heated too quickly.
The Pizza Stone will
darken and discolor
with use.
This is a
part of the seasoning process.
Cleaning the Combustion Chamber
When it comes time to empty the ash tray, follow
these simple steps ONCE THE FIRE IS OUT!!...
Step 1: Pull out the Fire Box
Step 2:
Do not remove coals until
fire is completely extinguished
Step 3: Empty Ash Tray
Warning! Make sure ashes are completely
doused with water after emptying the ash
tray. Remove the upper fuel grate.
NOTE!!- You can also leave the firebox
attached to the rails, and just remove and
empty the ash tray.