Console Software
Console Software
FireWire Analyzer
The FireWire Analyzer (formerly the ASIO Analyzer) is a utility included with
Echo’s AudioFire drivers. It provides detailed timing information about how
ASIO applications perform with your AudioFire device.
To use the analyzer, simply select “FireWire Analyzer” from the Windows Start
menu (under Echo Digital Audio/AudioFire). Leave the analyzer running as you
use your ASIO-compatible audio software.
While you are using your audio software, the FireWire analyzer will display timing
and status information.
The upper area of the FireWire Analyzer window displays your current sample rate
and buffer size, as selected in the AudioFire console or an audio application.
Immediately below that is the expected buffer time in milliseconds.
The playback section shows the number of buffers sent to the hardware, the
maximum buffer time, and the average buffer time. If you are running off of
internal clock, the average buffer time should be close to the expected buffer time.
If you are running off of an external clock such as word clock or S/PDIF, the times
may not match. The important thing here is that the average playback buffer time
should be close to the average record buffer time.
This is similar to the playback section. The average buffer time here will tell you
how fast your hardware is actually running and should closely match the playback