Console Software
Console Software
Core Audio
Core Audio is the name for Windows Vista/Windows 7’s new audio system.
You can set the sample rate and format used by Core Audio in the Sound control
panel. If you open the Sound control panel, you should see one or more playback
and recording devices for your Echo hardware.
For Echo hardware, each of these playback and recording devices share a common
physical audio clock – in other words, if you have your analog outputs set for 48
kHz, your digital or headphone outputs are also running at 48 kHz.
However, Core Audio does not recognize this concept. Therefore, rather than
setting the Core Audio sample rate from the Sound control panel, you can set the
Core Audio sample rate from the Echo PCI console.
Be aware that setting the Core Audio sample rate from the console will cause the
current playback and recording devices to be removed and new ones created in
their place; this ensures that the sample rate is consistent. The downside is that this
will stop any applications that are currently playing or recording. We therefore
recommend that you only change the Core Audio sample rate when you are not
playing or recording.
If you set your audio software to play or record at a different format or sample rate
than that specified for the Core Audio sample rate, Windows Vista/Windows 7 will
automatically perform format conversion.
Note that none of this applies to audio software that uses ASIO. Setting the Core
Audio sample rate has no effect on the sample rates available to or used by ASIO.