Console Software
Console Software
Clicking the right mouse button on the tray icon will display a pop-up menu that
will let you select individual console windows, show or hide all of the console
windows, or arrange the console windows in the middle of your monitor.
Console Sessions
The AudioFire console supports saving and loading the state of the AudioFire
device to a file, called a “session”.
Sessions are stored in the “(My) Documents” folder in a sub-folder named after the
device. For example, AudioFire 8 sessions are stored in a folder named
“AudioFire 8 sessions”.
To save or load a session, select one of the audio output tabs at the top of the
console window and click the appropriate button.
To restore the device to its default state, click the “Reset” button.
The “Gang” buttons, the “Phantom power” button, “Clock source” buttons, the
“Sample rate” buttons, the “Locked” sample rate button, and “Buffer size” do not
The “Locked” sample rate button, and “Buffer size” do not save.
Console Settings and Stand-Alone Mode
When the console is closed, all the console mixer settings for your AudioFire are
saved to flash memory in the AudioFire. So, these settings will be recalled when
you reboot your AudioFire or move it to another computer.
Your AudioFire need not be connected to a computer to operate. This is called
mode. Simply set the mixer setting as you desire in the console and
close the console to save those settings to flash memory. Then, when you turn on
your AudioFire, those settings will automatically be loaded into the AudioFire’s
internal mixer.