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- After expiry of defined time
- After receiving defined amount of characters
For every option list of available values are provided, and they me be scrolled down
after clicking on adequate arrow.
The transmitter controls buffer contents in respect of meeting of determined
criteria. It is performed with the following order: selected character, time, number
of characters.
Discharge of buffer (transmission) follows if one criteria is fulfilled.
Advanced port options
Disable data receiving
This option allow for lock of data received from device connected to RS-232 port of
transmitter. It is used in case of failure or situation when PX100D is being used to
control the device.
Disable data sending
This option allow for lock of data sending to device connected to RS-232 port of
transmitter. This prevent accidental or unauthorized controlling of the device.
Half Duplex mode
This option provides for automatic lock of data receiving (via RTS) if transmitter
begin to send data to the device.
Tests of device connection to port
If the device connected to transmitter port generates periodical connection tests,
these tests may be under PX100D control. To provide for that (after this option
activation) enter text message and define frequency (in “Test presence every [s]”
Additionally user may determine if text messages will be sent to server. If this
option was not selected it is required to make sure that while the device connected
to transmitter port is not sending text message to transmitter, PX100D sends to
server due message (See chapter 7.4 Tests RS-232).