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Backup server parameters
IP server address
It is IP address of second (backup) receiver of monitoring system (OSM.2007) or
computer where “Communication Server” software has been installed , e.g. This address may be provided in domain name of server, e.g.
monitor.gprs.com. In this case it is required to provide minimum one address of
DNS server.
Server port
It determines server port that was selected in server for collection of data from
Interval between subsequent connection attempts
If device can not connect to primary server defined this after exhaustion for him
number of attempts, it will begin realizing the procedure of connecting to backup
server. We in this place define space of time (in seconds), after which test will
connecting renewed if previous finished with failure.
Number of connection attempts
In this field you determine how often device will try to make connection to backup
server. If connections fail, PX100D after execution of some connection will back to
procedure of connection to primary server.
Disconnect after time limit
If you mark this choice field the device will disconnect from back up server after
passage of set time. Further operation depends on defined parameter Order of
connection (See clause If this option is active the device reconnects to the
primary server. If this option is not active the device firstly completes connection to
backup server procedure and if this fails, the device will try to connect to the
primary server.
Service code
It provides security against unauthorized access. It is being used during
programming of device and during remote controlling (in TCP/IP or SMS mode).
Factory setting is
. During the first starting of device (programming) it shall
be changed. Code may consist of up to seven alpha numerical characters.