Windows Toolbar Menus
The toolbar across the top of the work area holds many valuable options that will aid you in setup and
execution of the software. While many of the menus are common in software programs, some include
Resolution-specific options.
File Menu
New – Creates a new Resolution design file
Open – Allows you to open a previously stored design file
Save – Allows the user to quickly save a design file (best when you already have the design stored
under a unique name)
Save As – Opens the option to save the design file with a unique name and in a unique location on
your PC
Import – This is where the user may import an EASE file into the software.
Export EASE File – This feature will create a “single-balloon” file that can be imported into the
EASE software which is excellent for speeding up the modeling process. Instead of calculating each
individual loudspeaker in the design, EASE receives a file that is already pre-calculated by Resolution
and hence only needs to process a single entity!
Create PDF – This will create a PDF of all pertinent data in the current design. This is handy for riggers
and stagehands in system assembly
Create CSV – Creates an “Excel” spreadsheet with all pertinent data of the design.
Recent Files – Remembers the last design files you were working on for quick reload.
Exit – Exits the Resolution program