Array Geometry
Geometric Array Data
The button marked “Geometric” will take the user back to an area where he can change the physical
attributes of the design.
Remember that I had added 3 x KF730 enclosures to the bottom of the KF740 array but up to this
point, I haven’t made any changes to those enclosures.
Here are the steps to the things I did change to arrive at the design you see here.
1) First, I raised the focus of the array a little bit more towards the top of the audience. Since I had
added three more enclosures, I had more vertical coverage to play with so I wanted to get the
energy up a little higher.
2) This effectively threw off a lot of the focusing that Array Assistant accomplished so this time I have
elected to manually enter some new angles to the system including angles needed on the KF730’s.
You can now see that the mechanical warning I was getting earlier in the design process has now
disappeared. The warning was alerting me to the fact that one of the chain motors had become
“unloaded”. By manipulating the angles and overall tilt of the array, I was able to correct the problem
without doing anything drastic.
Let’s review the tools available to us in the “Geometric” work area.
1) To the left of the work area on the array tab are the parameters for the array itself. This includes
the arrays X, Y, Z coordinates, bumper hang-style, overall array tilt, maximum hang, minimum trim,
overall coverage and coverage modifier, pullback selector and Y-Axis rotation angle.