Let’s take a look at what is the most important feature of the Resolution software and that is
Mechanical Data!
To review what was mentioned earlier, we must first set the “design factor” for the mechanical data
which can be found under “options”. There will be a review of what design factor refers to and some
cautionary notes to review. Selectable from 5:1, 8:1, 10:1 and 12:1, each choice helps the software to
create mechanical data that will be acceptable in your region of the world.
In the example, I have created an array using 8:1 design factor and kind of messed it up a little to show
you what warnings are presented by the software. At the bottom right of the mapping area you will
see a box that displays the current “design factor” that you are working in which of course you can
change. You can click on this box also to open the “design factor” selection menu. To the left of that is a
box that will display a flashing icon that starts anytime there is an issue within the mechanical rigging
that should be addressed. Since it is a flashing icon, it is not displayed in this screen capture.
This design does have a flashing icon and if you look at the array in the “Array Pane” you will see that
certain mechanical points on the array have changed from green to yellow or red. These are cautions
that must be addressed before physically assembling this array.
The list of issues is also displayed to show you in particular what needs to be addressed. If you hover
over the flashing icon, the list will also be displayed.
In the instance of this example, we are dealing with mechanical stress to the rigging components,
which is the most serious warning that will be displayed. This means that we have created a design
that due to either its shape, quantity of enclosures or array tilt angle presents a scenario where the
rigging components could be damaged. We must remove one or more of the three variables so that
the array complies with the design factor we have selected.