Introduction to EAW Resolution™
Resolution is proprietary EAW software created to aid end users in the proper prediction and
application of EAW loudspeaker products.
Its intuitive work surface and exceptional modeling accuracy is based largely on the fact that the
engine driving it is derived directly from EAW’s internal usage only software F-Chart.
F-Chart is the software responsible for not only modeling EAW loudspeaker designs but also to define
the algorithms used in the proprietary acoustic correction signal processing known as “Focusing”. For
this reason, the accuracy of the Resolution software is unrivaled as the end user is using the same
calculations used to develop the loudspeakers in the first place.
Resolution is not limited to just line array systems. The software has the capacity to also implement
subwoofers and standard trapezoidal enclosures from EAW. The long-term goal of the software
designers is to have a program that can calculate as many EAW products as is necessary to aid the end
user in creating the best sounding systems possible.