1. Introduction to the Power Xpert® Release trip unit
PXR tRiP units foR PoweR Defense molDeD case ciRcuit bReakeRs
MN012007EN June 2018 www.eaton.com
1.2 Metering features
The following table shows the electrical system information which is metered by the trip
unit. It is available for viewing in PXPM, on the display (if equipped) or for reading via
communication channels.
metering data
PXR 10
PXR 20
PXR 25
Current maximum and minimum
Voltage line to line and line to neutral
Voltage maximum and minimum ( L-L and L-N )
Power kW (real, demand, peak)
Power kVAR (reactive, demand, peak)
Power kVA (apparent, demand, peak)
Energy kWh (total, fwd, rev) VARh (net), VAh (net)
Power factor
1.2.1 Metered data specifications
Metered data accuracy is as follows:
metered value
Range of conditions (units)
PXR 10
PXR 20
PXR 25
Current (I)
5 to 10 % of In (A)
5.0 %
5.0 %
1.0 %
1.0 %
10 to 120 % of In (A)
5.0 %
2.0 %
0.5 %
0.5 %
Voltage (V)
60 to 102 (V)
not applicable
1.0 %
102 to 690 (V)
0.5 %
690 to 750 (V)
1.0 %
Power (kW)
Energy (kWh)
5% to 10% of In (A)
102 to 690 (V)
Power factor = 1
1.5 %
10 to 120 % of In (A)
102 to 690 V
Power factor = 1
1.0 %
Power (kW)
Energy (kWh)
10 to 20 % of In (A)
102 to 690 (V)
PF = 0.5 inductive or 0.8 capacitive
1.5 %
20 to 120 % of In (A)
102 to 690 (V)
PF = 0.5 inductive or 0.8 capacitive
1.0 %
Accuracy is expressed as % of reading, currents are RMS, voltages are line-to-line.