7 Event, alarm, and trip recording with waveform capture
PXR tRiP units foR PoweR Defense molDeD case ciRcuit bReakeRs
MN012007EN June 2018 www.eaton.com
Typical test set-up dialog box:
When beginning a test session, parameter values for “As Found” are captured. Selecting
various test options, setting the current to be injected, executing the tests, and recording
the results can be done in multiple passes within one test session. Parameter values for “As
Left” are captured when the test operation is stopped. Any difference between “As Found”
and “As Left” parameter values will be highlighted.
The generate report function will record the testing results in a PDF file. The user can input
information regarding the customer and breaker’s location, environment, condition, etc.
as part of the report. The report includes the settings and results of all tests run in that
6.3 Record keeping
The Power Xpert Protection Manager software provides printable copies of configuration and
test results. If desired, make a copy and attach it to the interior of the circuit breaker cell
door or another visible location. This information should be used and maintained by those
personnel in your organization that have the responsibility for protection equipment.
7 Event, alarm, and trip recording with waveform capture
The PXR trip unit will record information surrounding events, alarms, and trips into a set of
logs. The information is easily viewed using PXPM software. For simple events, only the
reason and a time-stamp (based on the trip unit’s real-time clock) are stored. Important
events additionally store a snap-shot of real-time values (currents and voltages). The most
important events store additional information, storing waveforms of current and voltage
experienced during the event as long as auxiliary power is applied. For a trip waveform, ten
cycles (six pre-event, four post-event) are saved for review using PXPM software.
Each log can store a set number of events and is managed as a first-in first-out buffer (FIFO).
As the information is stored for the most recent event, the information from the oldest event
is eliminated.