5 External wiring of the trip unit
PXR tRiP units foR PoweR Defense molDeD case ciRcuit bReakeRs
MN012007EN June 2018 www.eaton.com
: Auxiliary power is not required to provide current protection features.
Protection is active well before any overload. The trip unit begins to power-up at very low
levels of current (approximately 20% of the frame rating). For single-phase applications, self-
power occurs at a higher current threshold (approximately 30% of the frame rating).
5.3 General purpose relay mapping
The PXR family supports optional general purpose relay contacts (1 to 3 relays depending
on the PXR model and the breaker frame). Any relay in the PXR can be configured to any
one of the functions. The mapping is conveniently done using the Power Xpert Protection
Manager software. Relays require auxiliary power to operate.
function name
Description of relay operation:
“the relay will close when … “
“the relay will open when … “
Aux contact
breaker is closed.
breaker is open.
Bell contact
breaker is tripped.
breaker is not tripped (open or closed).
Trip alarm - overload
there is a long or over-temperature trip.
RESET button is pressed or communications reset command received.
Trip alarm - neutral current
there is a neutral current trip.
RESET button is pressed or communications reset command received.
Trip alarm - short delay
there is a short delay trip.
RESET button is pressed or communications reset command received.
Trip alarm - instantaneous
there is an instantaneous trip.
RESET button is pressed or communications reset command received.
Trip alarm - short circuit
there is a short, inst or override trip.
RESET button is pressed or communications reset command received.
Trip alarm - ground fault
there is a ground fault trip.
RESET button is pressed or communications reset command received.
Trip alarm - (ARMS) maintenance
there is a maintenance mode trip.
RESET button is pressed or communications reset command received.
Trip alarm - all trips
there is any type of protective current (all the above) trip. RESET button is pressed or communications reset command received.
Alarm - high load alarm 2
current flow is greater than set point (adjustable from
50% to 120% of Ir).
Note: alarm1/alarm2 LED will BLINK.
current flow falls 5% below the set point.
Alarm - high load alarm 1
current flow is greater than set point (adjustable from
50% to 120% of Ir).
Note: the alarm1/alarm2 LED will ON.
current flow falls 5% below the set point.
Alarm - high temperature
temperature exceeds 5C below the level of the
temperature trip setting.
temperature falls 5C below the trip setting.
Alarm -ground fault pre alarm
ground current is greater than the set point (adjustable
from 50% to 100%).
ground current falls 5% below the set point.
Alarm - thermal memory
the thermal memory value is >75%.
the thermal memory value is <70%.
Alarm - watchdog and aux power auxiliary power is active and the trip unit is healthy and
there is an error in the trip unit from any of the self-diagnostics.
Alarm - low battery
the battery is below 1 bar (25%).
the battery value is 1 bar (25%) or higher.
Fault - internal
there is an internal fault detected.
RESET button is pressed or communications reset command received.
Fault - health
the health value is below 25%.
the health value is at or above 25%.
Fault -communication
any external communications error occurs.
RESET button is pressed or communications reset command received.
Alarm - all fault alarms
any of the above 4 faults are active.
all of the above four faults are inactive.
Maintenance mode active
the trip unit is in the maintenance mode.
when the trip unit exits maintenance mode.
ZSI active
the ZSI function active.
ZSI is not active.
ZSI input received
a ZSI INPUT signal is received.
RESET button is pressed or communications reset command received.
ZSI output sent
a ZSI OUTPUT signal is sent.
RESET button is pressed or communications reset command received.
Open breaker pulsed
an OPEN breaker command from any of the
communications channels is received.
two seconds after the OPEN breaker command is received.
Close breaker pulsed
a CLOSE breaker command from any of the
communications channels is received.
two seconds after the CLOSE breaker command is received.
Output 1
an output 1 ON command is received on any of the
communications channels.
an output 1 OFF command is received on any of the communications
Output 2
an output 2 ON command is received on any of the
communications channels.
an output 2 OFF command is received on any of the communications