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fail to re-fit the jumpers the internal communicator
will not connect to the phone line.
Step 9. Fit a Plug-By
The control unit can be connected to a separate
communicator or speech dialler (for example, the
Menvier SD2). Figure 54 shows the connections
provided by the communications wiring harness.
Note that the output types shown in Figure 54 are
the Factory default types. See the
Menvier40/100/300 Engineering Guide
for details
on how to change the defaults.
Com Connector Cable,
Part number 485210
Com Connector Cable,
Part number 485210
Con 9
Con 8
12V (Red)
0V (Black)
Tell Back input (White/Orange)
Line Fail input (White/Brown)
O/P 8 (Grey) General Fault
O/P 7 (White) Confirmed Alarm
O/P 6 (Purple) Tamper
O/P 5 (Blue) Zone Omit (System)
O/P 4 (Green) Open/Close
O/P 3 (Yellow) Burglar Alarm
O/P 2 (Orange) Hold Up Alarm
O/P1 (Brown) Fire
12V (Red)
0V (Black)
(Not used) (White/Orange)
(Not used) (White/Brown)
O/P 16 (Grey) RF Fault
O/P 15 (White) 24 Hour Alarm
O/P 14 (Purple) Ext PSU Fault
O/P 13 (Blue) Ext PSU Low Volt
O/P 12 (Green) Alarm Abort
O/P 11 (Yellow) Technical Alarm
O/P 10 (Orange) Batt Fault
O/P 9 (Brown) AC Fail
Figure 54 Plug-By Communicator Wiring
Note: Comms O/P4 will be active when the
system is unset. This is normal.
To fit a communicator, follow the instructions
Caution: Follow the instructions in the order
shown, or you may damage the
control unit and/or communicator.
1. Disconnect mains power from the control unit,
remove the case lid, and disconnect the
battery (if the system has already been
2. Make any necessary connections from the
communicator to the communication wiring
harness. The default is a 12V positive voltage
when the output is inactive.
Refer to the next section if you are using a
dual-path communicator.
3. Plug the Communication Wiring Harness onto
the communications connector on the main
If the system has already been installed:
4. Re-connect the battery.
5. Fit the case lid.
6. Apply mains power.
7. Test communicator operation.
Note: You will need to speak to the ARC in order
to confirm that the communicator has worked
Line Fail Input
This input is designed to allow a plug by
communicator to indicate to the control unit that
the communications link has failed. The
communicator should have an output capable of
ap12V to the Line Fail input while a line
fault is present and 0V when the fault is absent.
Tell Back Input
This input is designed to allow a plug by
communicator to indicate to the control unit that
the user can reset the system after a system
tamper. The communicator should have an output
that, when triggered remotely, can apply +12V for
at least 100ms
to the input. See “Remote Reset
(Redcare Rese
t)” in the Menvier40/100/300
Engineering Guide for more information.
Line Monitoring for a Dual-Path Communicator
If a standalone dual-path (landline and mobile)
communication device, such as a RedCARE STU,
is connected to the plug-by connector, you need
to do the following to obtain correct line fault
reporting (this is not necessary if you are using a
plug-on module):
1. Wire a control unit output programmed as type
"ATS Test" to the ATS Test input of the
2. Wire the Line Fault output of the
communicator to the Line Fault input of the
plug-by connector. The communicator must
p12Vdc to indicate a line fault (for
example, if the Line Fault output at the
communicator uses a relay, connect the
common terminal of the relay to +12Vdc and
the normally-open terminal to the Line Fault
input of the plug-by connector).
The control unit will generate an "ATE L.F. Single"
alert if only one of the networks is not available, or
"ATE L.F. All" if both networks are not available.