InsulGard System Installation and Start Up Guideline
On display
(reference signal is likely close to zero).
On display continuously
(reference signal magnitude is too high).
6. Press
any time to stop phase measurements.
Set Phase Shift
will be displayed. Press
twice and
manually enter averaged phase shift angle, press
Note: If using other source of phase reference signal rather than the internal connection to the coupling capacitor on
channel #1, correct obtained phase shift value according to the table below:
Phase Reference source
Additional Phase Shift
Channel 1 (Coupling Capacitor on Phase A )
PT Phase A
PT Phase B
PT Phase C
PT Phase A-B
PT Phase C-B
7. Press
to save changes and leave Set mode.
8. Return
switch into
9. After finishing with phase shift measurement and exiting setting mode in InsulGard go to Unit Settings Tab in the
software and type final phase shift angle value in Phase Reference Shift box or go to Communications Tab in
the software and Get Settings from Device to synchronize settings in the monitor and software. Click “Update
Data base w
ith Device settings” when phase shift settings discrepancy will be displayed.
10. In InsulGard
“Unit Settings” Tab save new configuration by clicking “BackUp Settings” button.
Note: Older versions of Insulgard hardware and firmware have deviation from the described above
– consult to the Manuals that came with that device or consult to EE PD.
2.7 Load Current Channel Calibration
This procedure describes the process of calibration of the load current channel. After the calibration InsulGard will
measure running current in percentage of the rated load current. Machine must be running and carry substantial
load. Current calibration must be done after rated current already entered into InsulGard settings. Otherwise set the
rated current, leave set mode and enter set mode again for load calibration.
1. Determine the rated load current rating of the machine from the machine nameplate.
2. Find the load current the machine is currently running (use ampere meter in Motor Control Center or ask an
3. Divide the value of Step 2 by Step 1 and multiply by 100. This is the percentage of the rated load current the
machine is currently pulling.