Instruction Booklet
IB 52-01-TE
Effective October 2010
Instructions for the Eaton Type CM52
Network Protectors 800 to 4500 Amperes
EATON COrPOrATION www.eaton.com
11 IB -52-01-TE
Effective 11/05/08 (super cedes 11/19/03) IB 52-01-TE
Location of Auxiliary Switch “D”
Fig. 16b
Removal of Auxiliary Switch
Customer Secondary Wiring Terminals
Mounted, as part o f the relay module is a DIN
rail-mounted terminal block. On e side h as b een
factory wired from the Auxiliary Switches, the
other side remains open fo r the customer landing
area of secondary wiring.
As standard, 1.0 inch NPT pipe coupling is
located on the left-hand side o f the enclosure,
permitting the
entran ce/exit o f secondary wiring
from the enclosure.
Electrical Testing
Three phase testing of the type CM52 can be
accomplished in the following manner:
1. Vent the hinge side (if submersible)
2. Open the enclosure door aft er the
break er has been TRIPPED.
3. Remove the special fun ction speed
wrench from the door mount by
pressing in tabs mounted to door.
4. Lift the lev-in shutter door and insert
the 3/8 square end of the speed wren ch
into the lev-in drive socket.
5. Turn the speed wrench crank
counterclo ckwise until the “ YELLOW”
indicator appears on the breaker
position indicator. In this position, the
main power fing er clusters have been
disconnected, while the secondary
disconnects are still made-up. This is
the “TEST” position.
6. Remove the crank and remove the test
plug front cover.
Test for zero voltage across the top 6 test
Also remove the GPO-3 cover located
above the break er by removing the four
(4) insulated machine screw.
Run the electrical tests per the test set
Fig. 17
Test Plug Connector