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Mounting- and Operating Instruction  CEAG DualGuard-S

   40071860347   January 2020

General Safety instructions - devices


Общи инструкции за безопасност


Уредите  не  са  подходящи  за  частна 



Монтирането  трябва  да  се  извършва  от 

квалифицирани  техници,  като  се  вземат 

под  внимание  националните  разпоредби 

за  безопасност  и  предотвратяване  на 



Уредите  трябва  да  се  използват  в 

съответствие  с  предназначението  им,  в 

подходящо и изправно състояние.


Отстранете  всички  чужди  тела  от  уредите, 

преди първото му използване.


При  работа  с  уредите,  първо  изключете 

напълно  електрозахранването,  уверете  се, 

че не е възможно то да се включи отново и 

проверете дали уредът не е под напрежение. 

(Горното  се  отнася  до  електрическата 

мрежа, резервното захранване и евентуално 

контролно  и  външно  напрежение.)  Не 

изключвайте  веригите,  докато  са  под 



Внимавайте  за  падащи  части  по  време  на 



Използвайте  само  оригинални  резервни 
части за подмяна.


Všeobecné bezpečnostní pokyny

•  Zařízení nejsou určeny k soukromému využití.

•  Veškerou instalaci musí provádět kvalifikovaný 




bezpečnostními předpisy.

•  Zařízení  se  smí  používat  jen  k  zamýšlenému 

účelu  a  musí  být  v  řádném  a  nepoškozeném 


•  Před  prvním  použitím  ze  zařízení  odstraňte 

všechny cizí předměty.

•  Při  práci  na  zařízení  nejprve  zcela  odpojte 

napájení,  zajistěte,  aby  nemohlo  být  znovu 

zapnuto,  a  zkontrolujte  nepřítomnost  napětí. 

(Výše  uvedený  pokyn  se  týká  napájení  z 

rozvodné  sítě,  záložního  napájení  a  případně 

i  přívodů  ovládacího  a  externího  napětí.) 

Neodpojujte okruh pod napětím.

•  Při přenosu pamatujte na oddělitelné části.

•  K  výměně  používejte  výhradně  originální 

náhradní díly.


Generelle sikkerhedsinstruktioner

•  Apparaterne er ikke egnet til privat brug.

•  En  installation  skal  altid  udføres  af  en 

kvalificeret elektriker og ander hensyntagen til 

nationale sikkerheds- og ulykkesforebyggende 


•  A p p ar ate r n e  m å  k un  anve n d e s  i 

overensstemmelse med den påtænkte brug og 

i hel og ubeskadiget stand.

•  Fjern alle fremmedlegemer fra apparaterne 

inden første anvendelse.

•  Når der arbejdes med apparaterne, så sluk først 

for al strøm, fastslå at den ikke kan tændes igen 

og tjek, at de er uden spænding. (Ovennævnte 

er gældende for strømforsyning, nødstrøm og 

mulig kontrol og ekstern strøm.) Afbryd ikke 

kredsløbene ander belastning.

•  Pas på løsdele ander transport.

•  Brug kun originale reservedele ved udskiftning.


Allgemeine Sicherheitshinweise

•  Die Geräte sind nicht für den privaten Gebrauch 


•  Eine Installation darf nur durch qualifizierte 

Elektrofachkräfte  unter  Berücksichtigung 

d e r  n a t i o n a l e n  S i c h e r h e i t s -  a n d 

Unfallverhütungsvorschriften erfolgen.

•  Die  Geräte  sind  bestimmungsgemäß  in 

unbeschädigtem and einwandfreiem Zustand 

zu betreiben.

•  Alle  Fremdkörper  müssen  vor  der  ersten 

Inbetriebnahme  aus  den  Geräten  entfernt 


•  At ArAtten an den Geräten sind diese zuerst 

komplett spannungsfrei zu schalten, gegen 

Wiedereinschalten  zu  sichern  and  die 

Spannungsfreiheit  festzustellen.  (Gilt  for 

Mainsspannung, Ersatzstromquelle and evtl. 

Steuer- / Fremdspannungen.) Stromkreise nicht 

unter Last trennen.

•  Atm Transport mit herunter fallenden Teilen 


•  Als Ersatz dürfen nur Originalteile verwendet 



Üldised ohutusjuhised

•  Need seadmed ei ole mõeldud erakasutuseks.

•  Paigaldustööd  tuleb  jätta  kvalifitseeritud 

elektriku hooleks ning tuleb teha vastavalt 

siseriiklikele  ohutuseeskirjadelete  ja 

õnnetusjuhtumite vältimise reeglitele.

•  Seadmeid tuleb kasutada nende ettenähtud 

eesmärgil korrasolevatena ja kahjustamata 


•  Enne  esmakordset  kasutamist  eemaldage 

seadmetest kõik võõrkehad.

•  Seadmetega töötamisel lülitage kõigepealt kogu 

toide välja, tagage, et seda ei saa uuesti sisse 

lülitada ja kontrollige toitepinge puudumist. 

(Eeltoodu  kehtib  nii  võrgupinge,  varutoite 

kui ka võimaliku kontrollpinge ja välise pinge 

suhtes.) Ärge ühendage lahti koormuse all 

olevat vooluringi.

•  Transportimisel võtke arvesse kukkuvatest 

osadest lähtuvat ohtu. 

•  Vahetamiseks kasutage ainult originaalvaruosi.


Γενικές οδηγίες για την ασφάλεια

•  Οι συσκευές δεν είναι κατάλληλες για ιδιωτική 


•  Η  εγκατάστασή  τους  πρέπει  να  γίνεται  από 

εξειδικευμένους  ηλεκτρολόγους,  λαμβάνοντας 

υπόψη τους εθνικούς κανονισμούς ασφαλείας 

και πρόληψης ατυχημάτων.

•  Πρέπει να γίνεται μόνο η προβλεπόμενη χρήση 

των  συσκευών,  στην  κατάλληλη  κατάστασή 

τους και χωρίς να παρουσιάζουν βλάβη.

•  Πριν από την πρώτη χρήση τους, απομακρύνετε 

όλα τα ξένα αντικείμενα από τις συσκευές.

•  Όταν  εργάζεστε  με  τις  συσκευές,  κλείνετε  τον 

διακόπτη  λειτουργίας,  βεβαιώνεστε  ότι  δεν 

μπορεί να ανοίξει ξανά και ελέγχετε εάν υπάρχει 

τάση σε αυτές (το ίδιο ισχύει και για τον γενικό 

διακόπτη ρεύματος, την εφεδρική πηγή ισχύος 

και την τυχόν τάση ελέγχου και εξωτερική τάση). 

Μην αποσυνδέσετε τα κυκλώματα υπό φορτίο.

•  Έχετε υπόψη σας τα τμήματα που ενδέχεται να 

πέσουν κατά τη μεταφορά.

•  Χρησιμοποιείτε μόνο γνήσια ανταλλακτικά για 



General safety instructions

•  The devices are not suitable for private use.

•  An installation must be performed by qualified 

electricians taking into account the national 

safety and accident prevention regulations.

•  The devices must be used in accordance with 

their intended use in a proper and andamaged 


•  Remove all foreign objects from the devices 

before their first use.

•  When working with the devices, first turn off 

the power completely, ensure that it cannot be 

turned back on, and check if they are free of 

voltage. (The above applies to mains power, 

backup power and possibly control and external 

voltage.) Do not disconnect the circuits ander 


•  Be aware of falling parts during transport.

•  Use only original spare parts for replacement.


Instrucciones generales de seguridad

•  Los dispositivos no son adecuados para el uso 


•  Solo puede instalarlos un electricista cualificado 

de acuerdo con la normativa de seguridad y 

prevención de accidentes.

•  Los dispositivos deben utilizarse de acuerdo 

con su uso previsto, en buen estado y sin 


•  Retire todos los objetos que no pertenezcan a 

los dispositivos antes del primer uso.

•  Cuando  se  disponga  a  manipular  los 

dispositivos,  desconecte  totalmente  la 

corriente eléctrica, asegúrese de que no se 

pueden volver a conectar y compruebe que 

no tengan corriente. (Lo anterior se aplica a 

la red eléctrica, a los grupos electrógenos de 

emergencia, y posiblemente, también al control 

y a la corriente externa.) No desconecte los 

circuitos con una carga conectada.

•  Tenga  cuidado  con  los  componentes  que 

podrían caerse durante el transporte.

•  Use solo piezas de repuesto originales para 

reemplazar las antiguas.


Consignes générales de sécurité

•  Les dispositifs ne conviennent pas à un usage 


•  L'installation  doit  être  effectuée  par  des 

électriciens  qualifiés,  conformément  aux 

réglementations nationales sur la sécurité et la 

prévention des accidents.

•  Les  dispositifs  doivent  être  utilisés 

conformément  à  l’usage  auquel  ils  sont 

destinés,  être  en  bon  état  et  ne  pas  être 


•  Retirez tous les corps étrangers des dispositifs 

avant leur première utilisation.

•  Lorsque  vous  travaillez  sur  les  dispositifs, 

coupez tout d’abord complètement l’alimentation 

électrique, assurez-vous qu’elle ne peut pas 

être rétablie et vérifiez que la tension est nulle. 

(L’énoncé précédent s’applique à l’alimentation 

du secteur, l’alimentation de secours et peut 

s’appliquer à la tension de commande et à 

la tension externe.) Ne déconnectez pas les 

circuits en charge.

•  Faites attention aux pièces pouvant tomber 

pendant le transport.

•  N’utilisez que des pièces de rechange d’origine 

en cas de remplacement.


Opće sigurnosne upute

•  Uređaji nisu prikladni za privatnu upotrebu.

•  Instalaciju  moraju  provesti  kvalificirani 

električari uzimajući u obzir nacionalne propise 

za sigurnost i sprečavanje nezgoda.

•  Uređaji se moraju upotrebljavati u skladu sa 

svojom namjenom u ispravnom i neoštećenom 


•  Uklonite sve strane predmete iz uređaja prije 

prve upotrebe.

•  Kada radite s uređajima, prvo u potpunosti 

isključite  napajanje,  osigurajte  da  se  ne 

može uključiti i provjerite da nema napona. 

(Navedeno se odnosi na glavno napajanje, 

pomoćno  napajanje  i  eventualno  kontrolu 

vanjskog napona.) Nemojte isključivati strujne 

krugove pod opterećenjem.

•  Pripazite  na  dijelove  koji  padaju  tijekom 


•  Upotrebljavajte  samo  originalne  rezervne 

dijelove za zamjenu.


Indicazioni generali sulla sicurezza

•  Le unità non sono idonee all'uso privato.

•  L'installazione  deve  essere  effettuata  da 

un  elettricista  specializzato  prendendo  in 

considerazione le norme nazionali in materia di 

sicurezza e prevenzione degli infortuni.

•  Le  unità  devono  essere  utilizzate 

conformemente  all'uso  previsto  in  condizioni 

adeguate e senza danni.

•  Rimuovere tutti i corpi estranei dale unità prima 

di utilizzarle per la prima volta.

•  Prima di ogni intervento sulle unità, disattivare 




accertarsi  che  non  possa  essere  riattivata  e 

verificare che le unità siano prive di tensione. 

(Quanto  sopra  vale  per  la  tensione  di  rete, 

l'alimentazione di riserva ed eventualmente per 

la tensione di controllo e la tensione esterna.) 

Non scollegare i circuiti sotto carico.

•  Prestare  attenzione  alla  possibile  caduta  di 

pezzi durante il trasporto. 

•  Utilizzare soltanto pezzi di ricambio originali.


Vispārējie drošības norādījumi

•  Šīs ierīces nav paredzētas personīgai lietošanai.

•  Uzstādīšana  jāveic  kvalificētiem  elektriķiem, 

ievērojot  nacionālos  drošības  un  nelaimes 

gadījumu novēršanas noteikumus.

•  Ierīces  jālieto  saskaņā  ar  tām  paredzēto 

lietošanu pareizā un nebojātā stāvoklī.

•  Pirms  pirmās  lietošanas  reizes  izņemiet  no 

ierīces visus svešķermeņus.

•  Rīkojoties ar ierīcēm, vispirms pilnībā izslēdziet 

barošanu, nodrošiniet, ka tās nevar atkal ieslēgt, 

un  pārliecinieties,  ka  tās  nav  zem  sprieguma. 

(Iepriekš  minētais  attiecas  uz  barošanu  no 

tīkla,  no  rezerves  barošanas  avota,  kā  arī 

no  iespējama  vadības  un  ārēja  sprieguma.) 

Neatvienojiet ķēdes, kam pievienota slodze.

•  Transportējot uzmanieties no krītošām daļām.

•  Nomaiņai  izmantojiet  tikai  oriģinālās  rezerves 


General Safety instructions - devices

Содержание CEAG DualGuard-S

Страница 1: ...CEAG DualGuard S Mounting and Operating Instruction CEAG DualGuard S Targed Group Qualified electricains acc EN 50110 1 and Electrical instucted persons...

Страница 2: ...3 6 Assembly and installation of the DualGuard S 13 7 Installation example DualGuard S 19 8 Block Diagram DualGuard S 20 9 Commissioning and further work 21 10 Luminaire addressing 21 11 Checking the...

Страница 3: ...alGuard S US 23 122 49 DualGuard S US 15 124 50 DualGuard S US 7 126 51 DualGuard S US SOU2 128 52 DualGuard S US SOU1 129 53 DualGuard S ESF30 US 15P 130 54 DualGuard S ESF30 US 30P 131 55 DualGuard...

Страница 4: ...ial but valuable assets that can be re used or recycled CEAG has been awarded the recycling certificate issued by INTERSEROH GmbH The contract number is 85405 This guarantees that all registered packa...

Страница 5: ...if the systems are used for the purpose intended DualGuard S devices meet the requirements of EN62034 Automated testing systems for battery operated safety lighting and are classified as Typee PERC A...

Страница 6: ...tional Maritime Dangerous Goods Code IATA The International AirTransportation Association world wide ICAO Civil Aviation Organization sTechnical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods...

Страница 7: ...clean dry and frost free Batterys must be protected against short circuit by metal objects or conductive contaminants Batterys must be protected from falling ob jects against falling and tipping over...

Страница 8: ...max vol tage 20 C 2 38 V 2 27 V 0 2 C10 24 h 25 C 2 35 V 2 25 V 0 2 C10 24 h 30 C 2 32 V 2 22 V 0 2 C10 24 h Tab 1 Values for constant voltage charge valid for Marathon L Tempera ture Max Voltage per...

Страница 9: ...with DIN EN 50272 2 to dilute gas hydrogen and oxygen which is released during charging and discharging The electrical installation does not have to be EX protected for this It must be designed for h...

Страница 10: ...should provide adequate ventilation above and below to allow sufficient dissipation of the heat generated by Batterys and their charging system The distance between cells or blocks should be 10 mm bu...

Страница 11: ...nd with it Safety shoes for protection against heavy falling parts and slipping on non slip surfaces 4 5 Maintenance SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS WARNING RISK OF INJURY Improper maintenance work can lead to se...

Страница 12: ...O PROPERTY Batterys will be destroyed or damaged by improper transport The following safety instructions must therefore always be observed Never lift loads over persons Always move the device with the...

Страница 13: ...the last luminaire in the circuit must not exceed the permissible cable length Special requirements for distributors with functional integrity Typee DualGuard S ESF The enclosures must be adapted to...

Страница 14: ...stallation site Installation on level groand with sufficient bearing capacity The installation site must be levelled horizontally Holes are provided in the floor plate for fastening to the floor or sc...

Страница 15: ...with slight pressure and snapped into place Battery Supply Connections Please observe the battery manufacturer s data sheets enclosed with the CEAG battery banks Observe the legal regulations and rul...

Страница 16: ...Only when the control is blocked may the connections of the battery power supply be switched off without danger via the load break switch Batt Charging modules and all circuits of the SKU 1s are then...

Страница 17: ...must be applied with the correct polarity to identify the connections as shown in the illustration Connection of a temperature sensor A temperature sensor for temperature monitoring of the battery ban...

Страница 18: ...e the position of the module The required mains or battery power supply for the modules is also provided via these plug in sockets For easy assembly disassembly these modules are connec ted via plugga...

Страница 19: ...K2 14 K2 11 K1 14 24 24 H L CM1 7A Batt Batt CCB CCB CCB CCB L N H L Sh1 24 1 24 1 A B Sh2 24 2 24 2 IN1 1 IN1 2 IN2 1 IN2 2 IN3 1 IN3 2 IN4 1 IN4 2 IN5 1 IN5 2 IN6 1 IN6 2 K1 COM K1 NO K1 NC K2 COM...

Страница 20: ...NV TLS TFT Touch Display AC Trafo Module PSU CM 3 4 A BBS Batterieblock Sensoren BDM Batterie Data Modul f r separate Montage Baugruppentr ger Stromkreismodule Baugruppentr ger Lademodule CM 1 1 7A CG...

Страница 21: ...nal installations are reserved for CEAG service personnel 13 Insulation measurement Check whether the entire system is enabled and secure this shutdown Do not switch on the power supply again until al...

Страница 22: ...Before this it must be ensured that there is no charging fault otherwise the error display on the touch display will be activated 2 The voltage U which is now shown in the display is the charge retent...

Страница 23: ...ications IMPORTANT NOTE The systems and luminaires are supplied ex works in such a way that the emergency lighting function is guaranteed even without customer specific configuration Configuration of...

Страница 24: a password It should be at least six characters long The password should consist of upper and lower case letters numbers Avoid names of family members pets best friends favo rite stars or their dat...

Страница 25: ...s to be assigned click on the Change pass word icon There is a warning message that if the password is lost the color touch display must be sent in and reset Then enter the current password under Old...

Страница 26: ...Status o Voltage string Charge current o BT Time o Status Battery Block Monitoring optional o Status Charging modules CM Circuit Status Luminaire Status IO 3PM IP TLS Status ACU Status o Communicatio...

Страница 27: ...ation Status o Relais Status o Status Inputs PSU Status Group device state o Total pup o Number of connected devices Find Devices o Search for devices that are connected to the ACU DG S bus DG S Group...

Страница 28: ...Number of connected devices Find Devices o Search for devices that are connected to the ACU DG S bus DG S Group 1 o Call up status information of the de vices connected via the ACU DG S bus Get servi...

Страница 29: ...o Search for devices that are connected to the ACU DG S bus DG S Group 1 o Call up status information of the de vices connected via the ACU DG S bus Get service information Load and save device confi...

Страница 30: ...ual configuration via the HMI 16 3 Table Configure basic settings login untrained specialist Ope rating step Icon Function Entries 1 Icon menu Actuate 2 Icon basic settings Actuate 3 Icon Charging Bat...

Страница 31: ...endurance test the recharging is delayed Quick Check Battery Interruption For countries that require shorter inter ruption detection times other than EN 50171 Pub sub The transmission of the battery v...

Страница 32: ...tests 17 Activate deactivate test Actuate 18 date Start time Function test time Start time Function test Distance between tests Use the arrow keys to enter the start time time and distance between two...

Страница 33: ...cuits Max 4 circuits per module Activate the circuit icon to be confi gured 6 Icon General To configure the switching and monitoring func tion and luminaire search Max two switches can be assigned The...

Страница 34: ...switch 2 No function if the circuit is program med in ready light or continuous light 9 Icon Info A free text can be entered 10 Icon Lum Setup The icon only has a function if Per Leuchtensetup was pre...

Страница 35: ...hould be configured 5 Icon General Information can be entered for each luminaire The switching mode can be determined via the icons switches 1 and 2 Enter name information e g moun ting location and r...

Страница 36: ...list Ope rating steps Icon Function Entries 1 Icon Menu Actuate 2 Icon IO 3PM IO TLS Setup Actuate 3 Icon I O Modules Up to 25 I O modu les can be present The I O module Icon Actuate which should be c...

Страница 37: ...t Ope rating steps Icon Function Entries 1 Icon Menu Actuate 2 Icon Basic settings Actuate 3 Icon ACU settings Actuate 4 Icon Relais set tings Actuate 5 Icon Relais 1 4 and Summer Icon Default Values...

Страница 38: ...e assigned to each input No Function Switch Switch inverted manual reset Confirm deep discharge FT Start BT Start BT FT cancel Block device Switch off conti nuous light Switching on the ready light fa...

Страница 39: ...e 16 8 Table Configure PSU Settings Login Expert 16 8 Table Configure PSU Settings Login Expert Ope rating steps Icon Function Entries 1 Icon Menu Actuate 2 Icon Basic settings Actuate 3 Icon PSU Sett...

Страница 40: ...DualGuard S must be connected to the network before setup Ope rating steps Icon Function Entries 1 Query and pro gramming level Actuate 2 Basic settings Actuate 3 General Settings Actuate 4 User Sett...

Страница 41: ...41 Mounting and Operating Instruction CEAG DualGuard S 40071860347 January 2020 www ceag de 16 9 Table Set Up Web Server Login Expert...

Страница 42: gramming level Actuate 2 basic settings Actuate 3 GLT Settings Actuate 4 VisionGuard settings Actuate 5 Icon connection settings Icon release Mqtt Icon Broker URL Icon Port Icon Client ID Icon TL...

Страница 43: ...access User Menus Operator Untrained specialist Instructed specialist expert Ope rating steps Icon Function Entries 1 Query and pro gramming level Actuate 2 basic settings Actuate 3 general settings...

Страница 44: click on the icon Actuate and repeat the pro cess Finally click the OK button Con firm button Example Name M Full Name Mustermann 16 12 Table functional test Login Operator Ope rating steps Ico...

Страница 45: discharging current Available capacity in of total capacity Ambient temperature of the battery 5 User Menu User name Guenter Password 1 6 Charging Batterysta tus Values Charge voltage discharge vo...

Страница 46: ...roubleshooting Login Operator 8 Luminaire Status Name Information Switch 1 Switch 2 Type Category Nominal power in W Nominal power in VA 9 IO 3PM IO TLS Status Selection of which module requires a sta...

Страница 47: ...47 Mounting and Operating Instruction CEAG DualGuard S 40071860347 January 2020 www ceag de 16 13 Table troubleshooting Login Operator...

Страница 48: ...etects all modu les and luminaires addressed during installation The VisionGuard monitoring software can be connected via an Ethernet interface DualGuard S Typees Depending on the requirements on site...

Страница 49: ...r 1 circuit switching module s SOU CG S 2 x 4 A All devices and substations have a modular design Charging technology switching technology and monitoring technolo gy form units that work independently...

Страница 50: ...time in minutes test mode date time iso fault with des tination in plain text failure UV AV with destination in plain text error information programming information test log Function icons System tes...

Страница 51: ...ion Via Web Via Web Directly on the color touch screen Order details Type Description Order No HMI Modul 4 3 4 3 colour touch for door installation 40071361640 HMI Module 7 7 colour touch for door ins...

Страница 52: ...trol system or to switch all luminaires from ready light to con tinuous light or to connect analog phase monitors eight interrupt and short circuit tolerant 24V current loop inputs are provided as sta...

Страница 53: ...53 Mounting and Operating Instruction CEAG DualGuard S 40071860347 January 2020 www ceag de 20 ACU DG Modul...

Страница 54: ...emergency lights Start function test X Stop function test X Start duration test X Stop duration test X Manual reset Switch all emergency lights to maintained light X Switch all luminaires to non main...

Страница 55: supply failed External buzzer On Technical ventilation On Charging fault Circuit fault Sum fault X Insulation faults Prio 1 Error Prio 2 error Prio 3 Error LED Service Pin Description Ready for ope...

Страница 56: ...DG terminal strip at the terminal points ACU DG Bus H ACU DG Bus L The ACU DG bus line must be con nected to the ACU DG terminal strip at the terminal points ACU DG Bus H ACU DG Bus L NOTE A parallel...

Страница 57: ...ction diagram ACU DG ACU Bus X2 A Rated Voltage 30V SELV Rated Current 0 09A short circuit proof Bus Topologie Line Cable Type E g IY ST Y 4x2x0 8mm Maximum cable length 900m Terminating resistor Swit...

Страница 58: ...are permanently monitored and faults are indicated early on the touch display so that the module can be repla ced before a failure A passive ventilation system ensures that no wear and tear due to con...

Страница 59: ...e with mains voltage Ordering details Type Description Order No AC Module External Transformer Module AC AC 240 VA incl mounting adapter 40071347162 Output voltage 24Vext 23 0 25 9V DC SELV Rated powe...

Страница 60: ...charging voltage is continuously and automatically readjusted on the basis of the measurement results A DC insulation monitoring system reports insulation faults in the battery circuit and the automat...

Страница 61: ...t 21 22 is closed in case of insulation failure Potential free contact Contact 11 12 is closed in the event of a fault The terminals have no function in connection with DualGuard S Temperature sensor...

Страница 62: ...s pressed Setting of the float charge voltage ISO Test ISO Test button Simulation of an insulation fault LED charging fault The LED charging fault lights up red when a module of the charging system BC...

Страница 63: ...separate charging module subracks with 1 to 8 slots and is used in DualGuard S systems with larger connected loads such as large compact systems or floor standing cabinets with separate battery accomm...

Страница 64: ...signed ventilation slots ensu re optimum air circulation and heat transport An automatic insulation fault search in combination with the BCM 1 module and the colour touch screen makes the initial com...

Страница 65: ...very comfortably all necessary information In addition the generously designed ventilation slots ensu re optimum air circulation and heat transport An automatic insulation fault search in combination...

Страница 66: ...unit automatically reports total faults which are indicated in detail on the HMI Thus one receives very comfortably all necessary information Ordering details Type Description Order No SKU 1 1 CG S 1...

Страница 67: ...d high short circuit currents in a small space The arrangement of the circuit fuses on the front of the module makes it easy to replace them in the event of short circuits or overloads The LEDs on the...

Страница 68: ...the input channel BT is subjected to an endurance test battery test Eight LEDs indicate the system status Switching capacity of the contacts 24V 0 5A AC DC 24V Function inputs With a pulse of at least...

Страница 69: ...n test battery test via the BT input channel Eight LEDs indicate the system status Switching capacity of the contacts 24V 0 5A AC DC 24V Function inputs With a pulse of at least 20 ms 24 V the desired...

Страница 70: ...op moni toring leads to the operational readiness of the system in case of short circuit or wire break detection LED displays System ready for operation power source for safety pur poses fault Connect...

Страница 71: ...rcuit The easily accessible test button offers the advantage that an interruption of the mains voltage is not necessary to check the function of the voltage monitoring devices As a rule one of the mon...

Страница 72: ...hus to severe disturban ces of the operational processes Ordering details Type Description Order No 3 PM IO Module Phase monitor light switch interrogation Bus module for DIN rail mounting 40071361670...

Страница 73: ...hout Technical description Dimensions LxHxT 107x90x58 mm Weight 0 2 kg Installation DIN Rail Snap on Degree of protection IP20 Protection class II Ambient temperature 10 C 40 C Storage temperature 20...

Страница 74: ...o the SE terminals of each module and must only be earthed in the DualGuard S control cabinet The cable cross section required for the 24 V bus voltage depends on the cable length and the number of bu...

Страница 75: ...75 Mounting and Operating Instruction CEAG DualGuard S 40071860347 January 2020 www ceag de 35 3 PM IO INV Module...

Страница 76: ...ting tests in accordance with EN 61439 1 under nominal load conditions The clear self explanatory internal modular field structure taking contact protection into account rounds off the appearance The...

Страница 77: ...ncy 50 or 60 Hz Overvoltage category Mains III Battery II Max connected load At 35 C 17 3 KW Maximum numbers of modules 1 Controller ACU DG HMI 1 1 B1 C1 PSU 1 2 B2 BCM 1 1 B3 E SKU 1 1 CG S 1x6A 0 28...

Страница 78: heating tests in accordance with EN 61439 1 under nominal load conditions The clear self explanatory internal modular field structure taking contact protection into account rounds off the appearanc...

Страница 79: ...d Frequency 50 or 60 Hz Overvoltage category Mains III Battery II Max connected load At 35 C 17 3KW Maximum numbers of modules Controller ACU DG HMI 1 PSU 1 2 BCM 1 1 SKU 1 1 CG S 1x6A 0 20 2x3A 0 20...

Страница 80: ...tors can also be used in three phases then connection of max 2 substations The components are simply plugged on from the front and securely contacted Ordering details Type Description Order No Outgoin...

Страница 81: conductors The com ponents are simply plugged on from the front and securely contacted Ordering details Type Description Order No Outgoing distribution module Battery for busbar mounting Incl 2 pie...

Страница 82: ...s been proven by heating tests in accordance with EN 61439 1 under nominal load conditions The clear self explanatory internal modular field structure taking contact protection into account rounds off...

Страница 83: ...Frequency 50 or 60 Hz Overvoltage category Mains III Battery II Max W rmeverlustleistung At 35 C 21 6 KW Maximum numbers of modules Controller ACU DG HMI 1 E1 PSU 1 2 E1 BCM 1 1 E2 SKU 1 1 CG S E4 1x6...

Страница 84: IP21 Order Number wiring set 40071346779 15 x Length 1 300 mm 2 x Length 2 1000 mm 1 x Length 3 800 mm 1 x Length 4 2000 mm Technical description Battery type C10 1 8 V Z 20 C 12 V 32 Ah N...

Страница 85: ...rder Number wiring set 40071346779 15 x Length 1 300 mm 2 x Length 2 1000 mm 1 x Length 3 800 mm 1 x Length 4 2000 mm Technical description Battery type C10 1 8 V Z 20 C 12 V 50 4 Ah Nominal battery v...

Страница 86: ...set 40071347446 13 x Length 1 360 mm 4 x Length 2 800 mm 1 x Length 3 800 mm 1 x Length 4 2000 mm Technical description Battery type C10 1 8 V Z 20 C 12 V 66 2 Ah Nominal battery voltage of all switc...

Страница 87: ...set 40071360230 13 x Length 1 350 mm 4 x Length 2 800 mm 1 x Length 3 800 mm 1 x Length 4 2000 mm Technical description Battery type C10 1 8 V Z 20 C 12 V 89 4 Ahc Nominal battery voltage of all switc...

Страница 88: ...x Length 7 800 mm 1 x Length 8 2000 mm Technical description Battery type C10 1 8 V Z 20 C 6 V 118 Ah Nominal battery voltage of all switched on cells 216 V Numbers of battery blocks 36 6 V Dimension...

Страница 89: ...66070821 Dimensions 2 x battery blocks per cabinet in mm B x H x D 800 x 2050 x 400 Battery consoles 5 Terminals max 35 mm Weight incl Batterys 1300 kg Degree of protection IP21 Order Number wiring se...

Страница 90: ...066070821 Dimensions 2 x battery blocks per cabinet in mm B x H x D 800 x 2050 x 400 Battery consoles 5 Terminals max 35 mm Weight incl Batterys 1422 kg Degree of protection IP21 Order Number wiring s...

Страница 91: ...attery block 89 4A Ah 40066070821 Dimensions 2 x battery blocks per cabinet in mm B x H x D 800 x 2050 x 400 Battery consoles 5 Terminals max 35 mm Weight incl Batterys 1500 kg Degree of protection IP...

Страница 92: ...400 Battery consoles 2 x 5 1 x 3 Terminals max 35 mm Weight incl Batterys 1810 kg Degree of protection IP20 Order Number wiring set 39 8Ah 40071346778 13 x Length 1 350 mm 4 x Length 2 800 mm 1 x Len...

Страница 93: ...cells 216 V Numbers of battery blocks 3 x 18 12 V Dimensions per block in mm L x W x H 307 5 x 171 x 239 89 4 Ah End poles M6 Order Number battery block 89 4A Ah 40066070821 Dimensions 3 x battery ca...

Страница 94: ...35 mm Weight incl Batterys 2638 kg Degree of protection IP21 Order Number wiring set 39 8Ah 40071346778 13 x Length 1 350 mm 4 x Length 2 800 mm 1 x Length 3 800 mm 1 x Length 4 2000 mm 3 x Order Num...

Страница 95: max 35 mm Weight incl Batterys 2250 kg Degree of protection IP21 4 x Order Number wiring set 89 4Ah 40071360230 13 x Length 5 350 mm 4 x Length 6 800 mm 1 x Length 7 800 mm 1 x Length 8 2000 mm 1 B...

Страница 96: ...n accordance with EN 61439 1 under nominal load conditions The clear self explanatory internal modular field structure taking contact protection into account rounds off the appearance The extensive ca...

Страница 97: ...ltage category Mains III Battery II Max connected load At 35 C 7 56 KW Maximum numbers of modules Controller ACU DG HMI 1 A2 PSU 1 B2 BCM 1 1 B3 SKU 1 1 CG S B4 C 1x6A 0 12 2x3A 0 12 4x1 5A 0 12 Lumin...

Страница 98: ...otection IP21 Order Number wiring set 40071346779 15 x Length 1 300 mm 2 x Length 2 1000 mm 1 x Length 3 800 mm 1 x Length 4 2000 mm Technical description Battery type C10 1 8 V Z 20 C 12 V 32 Ah Nomi...

Страница 99: ...21 Order Number wiring set 40071346779 15 x Length 1 300 mm 2 x Length 2 1000 mm 1 x Length 3 800 mm 1 x Length 4 2000 mm Technical description Battery type C10 1 8 V Z 20 C 12 V 50 4 Ah Nominal batte...

Страница 100: ...battery blocks 18 12 V Dimensions per block in mm L x W x H 220 x 172 x 235 End poles F M6 Order Number battery block 40066070901 Dimensions compact cabinet in mm W x H x D 800 x 2050 x 400 Battery co...

Страница 101: ...101 Mounting and Operating Instruction CEAG DualGuard S 40071860347 January 2020 www ceag de 41 DualGuard S 12C...

Страница 102: ...sts in accordance with EN 61439 1 under nominal load conditions The clear self explanatory internal modular field structure taking contact protection into account rounds off the appearance The extensi...

Страница 103: ...ervoltage category Mains III Battery II Max connected load At 35 C 13 6 KW Maximum numbers of modules Controller ACU DG HMI 1 A2 PSU 1 B2 BCM 1 1 B3 SKU 1 1 CG S B3 C 1x6A 0 12 2x3A 0 12 4x1 5A 0 12 L...

Страница 104: ...ting tests in accordance with EN 61439 1 under nominal load conditions The clear self explanatory internal modular field structure taking contact protection into account rounds off the appearance The...

Страница 105: ...A Rated Frequency 50 60 Hz Overvoltage category Mains III Battery II Max connected load At 35 C 13 6 KW Maximum numbers of modules Controller ACU DG HMI 1 PSU 1 2 BCM 1 1 SKU 1 1 CG S 1x6A 0 18 2x3A...

Страница 106: ...rotection IP21 Order Number wiring set 40071346779 15 x Length 1 300 mm 2 x Length 2 1000 mm 1 x Length 3 800 mm 1 x Length 4 2000 mm Technical description Battery type C10 1 8 V Z 20 C 12 V 32 Ah Nom...

Страница 107: ...P21 Order Number wiring set 40071346779 15 x Length 1 300 mm 2 x Length 2 1000 mm 1 x Length 3 800 mm 1 x Length 4 2000 mm Technical description Battery type C10 1 8 V Z 20 C 12 V 50 4 Ah Nominal batt...

Страница 108: ...mber wiring set 40071347449 12 x Length 1 300 mm 3 x Length 2 440 mm 2 x Length 3 700 mm 1 x Length 4 300 mm 1 x Length 5 1200 mm Technical description Battery type C10 1 8 V Z 20 C 12 V 66 2 Ah Nomin...

Страница 109: set 40071360231 12 x Length 1 300 mm 3 x Length 2 360 mm 2 x Length 3 1500 mm 1 x Length 4 400 mm 1 x Length 5 1800 mm Technical description Battery type C10 1 8 V Z 20 C 12 V 89 4 Ah Nominal batt...

Страница 110: ...g tests in accordance with EN 61439 1 under nominal load con ditions The clear self explanatory internal modular field structure taking contact protection into account rounds off the appearance The ex...

Страница 111: ...Rated Frequency 50 60 Hz Overvoltage category Mains III Battery II Max connected load At 35 C 5 4 KW Maximum numbers of modules Controller ACU DG HMI 1 A1 PSU 1 C1 BCM 1 1 C2 SKU 1 1 CG S C D 1x6A 0 1...

Страница 112: IP21 Order Number wiring set 40071346005 15 x Length 1 240 mm 2 x Length 2 900 mm 1 x Length 3 600 mm 1 x Length 4 1300 mm Technical description Battery type C10 1 8 V Z 20 C 12 V 8 5 Ah No...

Страница 113: ...ection IP21 Order Number wiring set 40071346779 15 x Length 1 2 x Length 2 300 mm 1 x Length 3 1000 mm 1 x Length 4 800 mm 2000 mm Technical description Battery type C10 1 8 V Z 20 C 12 V 23 3 Ah Nomi...

Страница 114: ...individual status and name indication per luminaire in conjunction with system related ECG LED supply module including monitoring module wit hout additional data line reports and additionally proclai...

Страница 115: ...c compatibility Industry EN 61000 6 2 Commercial EN 61000 6 3 Rated voltage Mains UN 230 V AC A3 Rated current Mains IN 15 A Rated voltage Battery 216 V DC A4 Rated current Battery IN 12 A Rated Frequ...

Страница 116: ...rminals max mm Weight incl Batterys 100 kg Degree of protection IP21 Order Number wiring set 40071346005 15 x Length 1 240 mm 2 x Length 2 900 mm 1 x Length 3 600 mm 1 x Length 4 1300 mm Technical des...

Страница 117: ...oles 2 Terminals max mm Weight incl Batterys 120 kg Degree of protection IP21 Order Number wiring set 40071361048 15 x Length 1 240 mm 2 x Length 2 900 mm 1 x Length 3 600 mm 1 x Length 4 1300 mm Tech...

Страница 118: ...oven by heating tests in accordance with EN 61439 1 under nominal load conditions The clear self explanatory internal modular field structure taking contact protection into account rounds off the appe...

Страница 119: ...216 V DC G2 Rated current Battery IN 80 A Rated Frequency 50 or 60 Hz Overvoltage category Mains III Battery II Max connected load At 35 C 17 3 KW Maximum numbers of modules Controller ACU DG HMI 1 A...

Страница 120: ...oven by heating tests in accordance with EN 61439 1 under nominal load conditions The clear self explanatory internal modular field structure taking contact protection into account rounds off the appe...

Страница 121: ...tery 216 V DC F3 Rated current Battery IN 80 A Rated Frequency 50 or 60 Hz Overvoltage category Mains III Battery II Max connected load At 35 C 17 3 KW Maximum numbers of modules Controller ACU DG HMI...

Страница 122: ...mate which has been proven by heating tests in accordance with EN 61439 1 under nominal load con ditions The clear self explanatory internal modular field structure taking contact protection into acco...

Страница 123: ...Commercial EN 61000 6 3 Rated voltage Mains UN 230 V AC A4 Rated current Mains IN 50 A Rated voltage Battery 216 V DC A4 Rated current Battery IN 50 A Rated Frequency 50 or 60 Hz Overvoltage category...

Страница 124: ...ture taking contact protection into account rounds off the appearance The extensive catalogue of cabinet accessories such as special locks door hinges right left cable entries offers the right solutio...

Страница 125: ...cial EN 61000 6 3 Rated voltage Mains UN 230 V AC A4 Rated current Mains IN 50 A Rated voltage Battery 216 V DC A4 Rated current Battery IN 50 A Rated Frequency 50 or 60 Hz Overvoltage category Mains...

Страница 126: taking contact protection into account rounds off the appearance The extensive catalogue of cabinet accessories such as special locks door hinges right left cable entries offers the right solution...

Страница 127: ...mmercial EN 61000 6 3 Rated voltage Mains UN 230 V AC A4 Rated current Mains IN 30 A Rated voltage Battery 216 V DC A4 Rated current Battery IN 30 A Rated Frequency 50 or 60 Hz Overvoltage category Ma...

Страница 128: ...otection wall distributor with cable entry from above and a SOU CG S 2x4A circuit changeover Technical description Field Dimensions W x H x D 583x295x129 mm Colour RAL 7032 Weight 8 8 kg Assembly Reco...

Страница 129: ...f Fire protection wall distributor with cable entry from above and a SOU CG S 2x4A circuit changeover Technical description Field Dimensions W x H x D 458x295x129 mm Colour RAL 7032 Weight 7 5 kg Asse...

Страница 130: ...cable entry from above HMI touch display built in ACU DG controller PSU power supply module Preassembled mounting system for installation of Up to 15 pcs power circuit modules Technical description Fi...

Страница 131: ...with cable entry from above HMI touch display built in ACU DG Controller PSU power supply module Preassembled mounting system for installation of Up to 30 pcs circuit modules Technical description Fie...

Страница 132: ...s Consisting of Fire protection wall distributor with cable entry from above and five SOU CG S 2x4A circuit switches Technical description Field Dimensions W x H x D 1140x400x230 mm Colour RAL 7035 We...

Страница 133: ...rating states Consisting of Fire protection wall distributor with cable entry from above and three SOU CG S 2x4A circuit switches Technical description Field Dimensions W x H x D 840x400x230 mm Colour...

Страница 134: ...ates Consisting of Fire protection wall distributor with cable entry from above and two SOU CG S 2x4A circuit switches Technical description Field Dimensions W x H x D 690x400x230 mm Colour RAL 7035 W...

Страница 135: ...rating states Consisting of Fire protection wall distributor with cable entry from above and a SOU CG S 2x4A circuit changeover Technical description Field Dimensions W x H x D 540x400x230 mm Colour...

Страница 136: ...f software and hardware assets in your environment is a pre requisite for effectively managing cybersecurity Eaton recommends that you maintain an asset inventory that uniquely identifies each importa...

Страница 137: ...een segments except that which is specifically allowed and restricting communication to host to host paths for example using router ACLs and firewall rules This helps to protect sensitive information...

Страница 138: ...88 Eaton recommends that products containing embedded flash memory be securely destroyed to ensure data is unrecoverable Embedded Flash Memory on Boards and Devices Eaton recommends the following met...

Страница 139: ...trol cabinet The terminal assignment results from the imprints on the front of the housing for the plug in screw terminals on the module and on the terminal blocks for the external connections Termina...

Страница 140: ...Overview of pin assignments AnlagenType DualGuard S Klemmnummer KabelType Zielort Klemmnummer KabelType Zielort 1 41 2 42 3 43 4 44 5 45 6 46 7 47 8 48 9 49 10 50 11 51 12 52 13 53 14 54 15 55 16 56 1...

Страница 141: ...1 Schalter 2 Schalter 2 Leuchte 17 Leuchte 7 Schalter 1 Schalter 1 Schalter 2 Schalter 2 Leuchte 16 Leuchte 6 Schalter 1 Schalter 1 Schalter 2 Schalter 2 Leuchte 15 Leuchte 5 Schalter 1 Schalter 1 Sch...

Страница 142: ...rner DALI Controller DALI Bus inkl DALI EVG inkl DALI EVG inkl DALI EVG max 1m V CG SUW berwachungsmodul mit Umschaltweiche 230V UV A V CG S 4 400 W berwachungsmodul V CG SE 4 400 W berwachungsmodul m...

Страница 143: ...durch _______________________ Unterschrift _______________________ Functions Duration test Nr ___________________ Datum _________________ Uhrzeit _________________ Ger te Nr Ort ______________________...

Страница 144: ...ipular las bater as desconecte totalmente la corriente el ctrica aseg rese de que no se pueden volver a conec tar y compruebe que no tengan corriente No desconecte la bater a con una carga conectada A...

Страница 145: ...rav s dos polos Em caso de substitui o utilize apenas pe as sobressalentes originais Rom n Instruc iuni generale de siguran Bateriile nu sunt destinate pentru uz personal Instalareatrebuieefectuat dec...

Страница 146: ...ctricista cualificado de acuerdo con la normativa de seguridad y prevenci n de accidentes Los dispositivos deben utilizarse de acuerdo con su uso previsto en buen estado y sin da os Retire todos los o...

Страница 147: ...etamente certifique se de que n o pode ser ligada e verifique se n o existe tens o O supramencionado aplica se rede el trica energia de reserva e poss vel tens o de controlo e externa N o desligue os...

Страница 148: of their respective owners At Eaton we re energized by the challenge of powering a world that demands more With over 100 years experience in electrical power management we have the expertise...
