Eagle Eye GD-3000 User Manual
9. The Current Loop is 4mA in clean air and 4-20mA for 0-50% LEL.
Typical Multiple GD-3000 Combustible Gas Detector Installation
1. One sensor per 900 square feet (approximately).
2. If the gas used is natural gas (methane) or Hydrogen (H2) mount the Eagle Eye
GD-3000 Combustible Gas Detector high on a wall about one foot down
from the ceiling. If the gas used is propane (LP), mount the GD-3000
Combustible Gas Detector on a wall or column one foot above the floor.
3. See applicable building code for fan size vs air changes per periods of time.
4. Make sure there are air inlets to provide adequate air flow throughout the building.
5. Eagle Eye GD-3000 Combustible Gas Detector fan relays are dry contact & can
switch up to 240V.
6. Several fan relays (starters) may be used. Match the relays to the fan size.