EAE Technology
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Product Manual MD
EAE KNX Presence Detector
10 min
15 min
30 min
60 min
Presence information will be sent cyclically in selected period via “Presence output”.
Disable presence output
ON for disabling / OFF for enabling
OFF for disabling / ON for enabling
This parameter is used to make visible “Disable presence output” object and which telegram to use
disable and re-enable presence output object. If any parameter is selected except “no”, “Disable
presence output” object will be visible.
ON for disabling / OFF for enabling: Presence output is disabled with the value “1” and re-enabled
with value “0”.
OFF for disabling / ON for enabling: Presence output is disabled with the value “0” and re-enabled
with value “1”.
Behaviour disable lighting
*no action
Light ON
Light OFF
This parameter is used for selecting whether to send a telegram from the “presence output object”
before disabling it and, if so, with which value.
No action: No telegram is sent before disabling presence output object.
Light ON: Presence output object is set to the value “1” before disabled.
Light OFF: Presence output object is set to the value “0” before disabled.
Behaviour enable lighting
*no action
Light ON
Light OFF
This parameter is used for selecting whether to send a telegram from the “presence output object”
before enabling it and, if so, with which value.
Continue control: After enabling the presence output object, detector keeps the current status of
presence output object.
Light ON: After enabling the presence object, it is set to the value “1”.
Light OFF: After enabling the presence object, it is set to the value “0”.