e-ride Industries
Page 66
Main Drive System Fuse (DC Drive) - The main fuse for the 72 volt D.C. drive system which
is rated for 325 amps (ANN-325) and is mounted in the motor bay opposite the controller.
Main drive System Fuse (AC Drive) - The main fuse for the 72 volt A.C. drive system which
is rated for 425 amps (ANN-400) is mounted onto the A.C. drive controller.
12 Volt Fuses
The 12 volt fuses are located at the front of the vehicle beneath the hood. To access
them, unlatch and open the hood and remove the aluminum tunnel cover. The fuse
panel is a small black box in the center. Remove the cover by pressing both of the
side tabs and lifting upward. The fuse circuit, size and panel locations are given in
the following table: