4. From bag PA001, remove the steering rod. Note the
shape of the rod.
5. Use a 3 or 4 hole servo arm from your radio system. A
1, 2, or 4-armed servo arm will work. Cut off all but one of
the arms by scoring both sides of the servo arm with a
hobby knife and using pliers to snap off the arm.
6. Put the steering rod into the third hole from the center
of the servo arm (approximately 5/8" or 16mm). You may
need to enlarge the hole in the servo arm with a 5/64"
(2mm) drill or a hobby knife.
7. Place the rod connector through the top of the middle
hole in the steering arm. Place a small amount of thread
locking compound onto the threads of the rod connector.
Do not to overtighten the nut, the rod connector must
swivel freely.
Install the 2mm nut onto the bottom of the rod
connector. Install a 2mm set screw into the top of the rod
When installing the set screw, make sure
not to thread it in too far because the steering rod must pass
through the hole on the side of the rod connector.
8. Slip the steering rod through the hole in the rod
connector that is already installed on the servo saver. (Use
the screw that came with your radio system to attach the
servo arm to the steering servo.) Do not tighten the set
screw on the rod connector. You will make the steering
adjustments later.
1. From bag PA002, remove all of the parts included; the
radio tray, the (2) radio tray mounts, and the (8) 3 x 8mm
self-tapping screws.
2. Place foam tape on the bottom of the radio plate. This
will secure the receiver battery into place when the radio
plate is installed.