3. Insert the brake rod as shown in the photo. Insert the
brake rod into the servo arm from the bottom, into the
second hole from the outside of the arm (approximately 5/8"
or 16mm from the center).
4. Place the servo arm on the throttle servo as shown in
the photo above and place the brake rod through the brake
lever. Do not install the servo arm screw yet. You will need
to make adjustments before running your truck.
5. Insert the throttle rod into the outer hole in the
carburetor arm. Assemble in order, a 2mm collar and the
throttle spring. Next insert the throttle rod through the rod
connector on the throttle servo.
6. Install a 2mm collar at the end of the brake rod and
another 2mm collar at the end of the throttle rod. Place a
small amount of thread locking compound on two of the (3)
3 x 3mm set screws and thread them into the 2mm collars.
Do not tighten the set screws all the way. In the next section
we will make adjustments to the collars.
• Turn on the transmitter first, then the receiver.
• Center the trims of the throttle and steering channels (see
your radio system manual for the location of the trim
Steering Linkage Set Up
A) Remove the arm from the steering servo and re-install
the arm facing straight up (see photo above).
B) Position the front wheels so they are aimed “straight
ahead” (note that the tires are aligned slightly inward – this
is called toe-in).
C) When the wheels are straight, tighten the set screw on
the rod connector. Attach the servo arm with the servo arm
screw from your radio system.