Dupont Tychem ThermoPro TP198T Скачать руководство пользователя страница 3

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Test method

EN Class*

Resistance to penetration by blood-borne pathogens using Phi-X174 


ISO 16604 Procedure C


Resistance to contamination by contaminated liquids

EN ISO 22610


Resistance to penetration by biologically contaminated aerosols

ISO/DIS 22611


Resistance to penetration by biologically contaminated dust

ISO 22612


* According to EN 14126:2003



Test method

Result - EN Class*

Heat resistance at a temp of 180°C +/-5°C

ISO 17493


Heat resistance at a temp. of 260°C +/- 5°C

ISO 17493


Limited flame spread (surface ignition), Code letter A1

ISO 15025, Procedure A

A1, Index 3**

Convective heat, code letter B

ISO 9151


Radiant heat, code letter C

ISO 6942, Method B


Molten aluminium splash, code letter D

ISO 9185


Molten iron splash, code letter E

ISO 9185 


Contact heat, code letter F

ISO 12127


Electric arc - Open arc test method

IEC 61482-1-1

ATPV = 15 cal/cm


Electric arc - Box test method

IEC 61482-1-2

4kA - APC = Class 1

* According to EN ISO 11612:2015 ** According to EN ISO 14116:2015



Test method

EN Class*


Small molten metal splashes

ISO 9150


> 25 drops

Tear strength

ISO 13937-2

> 20 N


Electrical resistance

EN 1149-2


> 10

Ohm, Pass


Type of welders' clothing

Selection criteria relating to the process

Selection criteria relating to the environmental conditions

Class 2

Manual welding techniques with heavy formation of spatters and drops, e.g.: Operation of machines, e.g.:
 - MMA welding (with basic or cellulose- covered electrode);

 - MAG welding (with CO


 or mixed gases);

 - MIG welding (with hight current);

 - self-shielded flux cored arc welding;

 - plasma cutting;

 - gouging;

 - oxygen cutting;

 - thermal spraying.

- in confined spaces;

- at overhead welding/cutting or in comparable constrained positions.

N/A = Not applicable  * According to EN ISO 11611:2015




EN Class

Type 3: Jet test (EN ISO 17491-3)



Type 4: High level spray test (EN ISO 17491-4, Method B)



Type 6: Low level spray test (EN ISO 17491-4, Method A)



Seams strength (EN ISO 13935-2)

> 300 N


N/A = Not applicable  * Test performed with taped hood  ** According to EN 14325:2004

For further information about this garment and its performances, please contact your supplier or DuPont:


This coverall is designed to offer chemical protection and protection against heat and flame based on the specific uses in 

accordance with requirements of the standards and the classes for which the garment is certified. The standards and classes are displayed in the CE-label in the garment. It is designed to protect against short flame contact, small, 

certain forms of heat transfer, molten metal splash, molten metal spatter from welding applications, thermal risk from electric arc and as an escape suit to potentially reduce skin burns or increase survival probability in the event of 

a flash fire (conform to EN ISO 11612:2015 and EN ISO 11611:2015). It is typically used, depending on toxicity and exposure conditions, for protection against certain organic and inorganic liquids and intensive or pressurized liquid 

sprays, where the exposure pressure is not higher than the one used in the Type 3 test method. This protective garment provides protection against intensive or pressurized liquid sprays (Type 3), intensive liquid sprays (Type 4) 

and limited liquid splashes or sprays (Type 6). Fabric used for this coverall has passed all tests of EN 14126:2003. Under the exposure conditions, as defined in EN 14126:2003 and mentioned in the above table, the obtained results 

conclude that the material offers a barrier against infective agents.


: This garment is not intended for fire-fighting activities, and is designed to provide specific level of protection against certain chemicals, molten metals, molten metal spatter from welding 

applications, electrical arc or thermal radiation based on the standards and classes met by the garment as displayed in the above tables and on the CE-label in the garment. The garment does not protect against all kind of electric arcs. 

Deviations from the parameters in this document may result in more severe conditions. This garment is not intended to be used as electrical insulating protective clothing and does not provide protection against electrical shock. It 

is designed and tested to help reduce injury during escape from a fire. It is intended to help reduce the potential for injury, but no protective apparel alone, can eliminate all risks of injury or death. Protective apparel must be used in 

conjunction with general safety practices by trained personal. The level of protection against flame will be reduced if the protective clothing is contaminated with flammable materials. In the event of a molten metal splash the user 

shall leave the working area immediately and take off the garment. In the event of a molten metal splash, the garment, if worn next to the skin, will not eliminate all risks of burn injury. An increase in the oxygen content of the air 

will reduce considerably the protection of the welder’s protective clothing against flame. Extreme care should be taken when welding in confined spaces, e.g. if it is possible that the atmosphere may become enriched with oxygen. 

The garment is not intended to give electrical protection (shock). It is only intended to protect against brief inadvertent contact with live parts of an arc welding circuit, and additional electrical insulation layers will be required where 

there is an increased risk of electric shock; garments meeting the requirements of 6.10 of EN ISO 11611:2015 are designed to provide protection against short term, accidental contact with live electric conductors at voltages up to 

approximately 100 V d.c. Additional partial body protection may be required, e.g. for welding overhead. The electrical insulation provided by clothing will be reduced when the clothing is wet, dirty or soaked with sweat. No garments 

such as shirts, pants, undergarments or underwear which melt under heat, flame and arc exposures shall be worn underneath this coverall. The use of Nomex® or non-melting undergarments is recommended. The air trapped 

between layers of material plays an important part in providing heat insulation. The protection is reduced in areas which are tight fitting or compressed by belt or straps. The coverall can only provide protection if interfaces between 

this garment with other garments at the neck, wrists and ankles is adequate. The fabric used in this coverall is inherently antistatic on the inside surface only and the garment meets the surface requirements of EN 1149-5:2018 

when measured according to EN 1149-3:2004 and EN 1149-2:1997. This shall be taken into consideration if the garment is grounded. The electrostatic dissipative performance of both the suit and the wearer needs to be continuously 

achieved in such a way as the resistance between the person wearing the electrostatic dissipative protective clothing and the earth shall be greater than 10

Ohm and less than 10

Ohm e.g. by wearing adequate footwear/flooring 

system, use of a grounding cable, or by any other suitable means. Always verify correct grounding via a test with a monitoring device. Electrostatic dissipative clothing shall not be opened or removed whilst in presence of flammable 

or explosive atmospheres or while handling flammable or explosive substances. Electrostatic dissipative protective clothing is intended to be worn in Zones 1, 2, 20, 21 and 22 (see EN 60079-10-1 [7] and EN 60079-10-2 [8]) in which 

the minimum ignition energy of any explosive atmosphere is not less than 0.016mJ. Electrostatic dissipative clothing shall not be used in oxygen enriched atmospheres, or in Zone 0 (see EN 60079-10-1 [7]) without prior approval 

of the safety engineer. The electrostatic dissipative performance of the electrostatic dissipative protective clothing can be affected by wear and tear and possible contamination. Electrostatic dissipative protective clothing shall 

permanently cover all non-complying materials during normal use (including bending and movements). In situations where static dissipation level is a critical performance property, endusers should evaluate the performance 

of their entire ensemble as worn including outer garments, inner garments, footwear and other PPE. Further information on grounding can be provided by DuPont. Exposure to certain very fine particles, intensive liquid sprays or 

splashes of hazardous substances may require garments of higher mechanical strength and/or barrier properties than those offered by this coverall. The user must ensure garment barrier compatibility to all chemical exposure risks 

before use. The user shall use the attached hood drawstrings to pull tightly around the respirator, and cover the drawstrings behind the storm flap before closing it with the rugged hook and loop material. To achieve the claimed 

chemical protection in certain applications, taping of the hood was necessary. Taping of the garment may negatively impact protective properties against heat and flame, thermal radiation, electric arc, metal splash and molten metal 

spatter in welding applications. If tape is used, the wearer shall use a flame resistant/high temperature tape. Tape must not negatively impact doffing process in case of an emergency. This fabric offers little or no thermal insulation 

to protect the wearer’s skin from prolonged exposure to hot or cold. The temperature range for the fabric and seams it well beyond the temperatures that the human skin can withstand without injury. The user shall perform a risk 

analysis, including a verification of the barrier properties against the chemicals of concern, upon which he shall base his choice of PPE. He shall be the sole judge regarding the combination of the protective clothing with ancillary 

equipment (boots, gloves, respiratory protective equipment, undergarments etc.) and for how long a protective garment can be worn on a specific job with respect to its protective performance, wearing comfort and heat stress. For 

full body protection, the protective clothing shall be worn in the closed state. DuPont shall not accept any responsibility for improper use of its products.


: Inspect this garment prior to use. In the event of defects, contamination, or damage, do not wear.


: For limited use only. Do not clean, neither for hygienic reasons. This garment can be worn until damaged, altered or contaminated. If the garment is contaminated during use, 

it must be decontaminated prior to doffing and then discarded. If the garment is damaged during use, retreat immediately, undergo decontamination and then discard the garment.


: This coverall may be stored at < 49 °C in the dark (cardboard box) with no UV light exposure. The shelf life of this coverall is 5 years if correctly stored.


: This coverall can be incinerated or buried in a controlled landfill. Disposal restrictions depend upon the contamination incurred during use and are subject to national or local legislation.


: Declaration(s) of conformity can be downloaded at:

Содержание Tychem ThermoPro TP198T

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Страница 32: ...ėsužnetinkamąjosproduktųnaudojimą PARUOŠIMAS NAUDOJIMUI Priešnaudodamipatikrinkitešįdrabužį Defektų užteršimoarapgadinimoatvejunedėvėkite VALYMAS IR PRIEŽIŪRA Tikribotamnaudojimui Nevalykite nethigienostikslais Šįdrabužįgalimadėvėti koljisnebusapgadintas pakeistasaružterštas Jeidrabužisnaudojantužteršiamas jįbūtinanukenksminti priešnusivelkant opaskuiišmesti Jeidrabužisnaudojantapgadinamas nedelsd...

Страница 33: ...ivirsmai unšisapģērbsatbilststandartāEN1149 5 2018norādītajāmvirsmasprasībām mērotatbilstošistandartamEN1149 3 2004unEN1149 2 1997 Tasirjāņemvērāapģērbazemēšanasgadījumā Ganapģērba gan valkātāja spēju izkliedēt elektrostatiskos lādiņus pastāvīgi var nodrošināt gādājot lai pretestība starp personu kas valkā elektrostatiskos lādiņus izkliedējošu aizsargapģērbu un zemējumu būtu lielāka par 105 omiem ...

Страница 34: ...ITUSEJASELLEGASEOTUDTOIMINGUTEJAOKS VÕRDLUSPUNKTID Keevitajariietusetüüp Toimingugaseonduvvalikukriteerium Keskkonnatingimustegaseonduvvalikukriteerium Klass2 Manuaalnekeevitustehnikakoostugevapritsmetejasädemetetekkega nt Masinategatöötamiselnt MMA keevitus tavalinevõitselluloosigakaetudelektroodiga MAG keevitus CO2 gavõigaasisegudega MIG keevitus tugevavooluga täidistraatkaarkeevitus plasmalõiku...

Страница 35: ...lgaskontrollimakaitseomadusiasjakohastekemikaalidevastu jasellealusel tegemaisikukaitsevahenditevaliku Temapeabainuisikuliseltotsustama millineonõigekombinatsioonkaitsekombinesoonistjalisavarustusest saapad kindad respiraator alusrõivadjne ningkuikauavõibsedakombinesooni konkreetsetööpuhulkanda võttesarvessesellekaitseomadusi kandmismugavustjakuumataluvust Kaitsvatriietustpeabkandmatäielikultkinni...

Страница 36: ...tistatiktirvegiysi EN1149 3 2004veEN1149 2 1997 yegöreölçüldüğündeEN1149 5 2018yüzeygereksinimlerikarşılamaktadır Budurum giysitopraklanmışsadikkate alınmalıdır Hemtulumunhemdekullanıcınınelektrostatikyükyaymaperformansının elektrostatikyükyayıcıkoruyucugiysiyigiyenkişivetoprakarasındakidirenç105 Ohm danfazlave108 Ohm danazolacakşekilde sürekliolarak elde edilmesi gerekir örneğin uygun ayakkabıyı ...

Страница 37: ...Μέθοδοςδοκιμήςκιβωτίου IEC61482 1 2 4kA APC Κατηγορία1 ΚατάτοΠρότυποENISO11612 2015 ΚατάτοΠρότυποENISO14116 2015 ΠΡΟΣΤΑΤΕΥΤΙΚΟΣΡΟΥΧΙΣΜΟΣΓΙΑΧΡΗΣΗΣΕΕΡΓΑΣΙΕΣΣΥΓΚΟΛΛΗΣΗΣΚΑΙΣΥΝΑΦΕΙΣΔΡΑΣΤΗΡΙΟΤΗΤΕΣ Δοκιμή Μέθοδοςδοκιμής ΚατηγορίαEN Αποτέλεσμα Πιτσίλισμαμικρώνκομματιώνλιωμένουμετάλλου ISO9150 2 2 25σταγόνες Αντίστασηστοσχίσιμο ISO13937 2 20N Εγκρίθηκε Ηλεκτρικήαντίσταση EN1149 2 Δ Ε 105 Ω Εγκρίθηκε ΚΡΙΤΗΡ...

Страница 38: ...σίας Ο χρήστης πρέπει να διασφαλίσει τη συμβατότητα της θωράκισης του ενδύματος με όλους τους κινδύνους έκθεσης σε χημικές ουσίες πριν από τη χρήση Ο χρήστης θα πρέπει να χρησιμοποιήσει τα προσαρτημένα κορδόνια της κουκούλας για να τη σφίξει καλά γύρω από τον εξοπλισμό αναπνευστικής προστασίας και να καλύψει τα κορδόνια πίσω από το προστατευτικό κάλυμμα προτού το κλείσει με το άγκιστρο και τη θηλι...

Страница 39: ...vni predmet nije namijenjen za pružanje zaštite od električnog udara šoka Namijenjen je samo za zaštitu od kratkog nenamjernog kontakta sa živim dijelovima kruga lučnog zavarivanja te će biti potrebni dodatni izolacijski slojevi na mjestima na kojima postoji povećani rizik od električnog šoka Odjevni predmeti koji zadovoljavaju preduvjete stavka 6 10 norme EN ISO 11611 2015 dizajnirani su za pruža...

Страница 40: ...ия Информацияо сертификации помимомаркировкиCEиуполномоченногоорганасертификацииЕС см отдельныйразделвконцедокумента ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИОННЫЕ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ КОМБИНЕЗОНА ФИЗИЧЕСКИЕСВОЙСТВАМАТЕРИАЛА Испытание Методиспытания Результат КласспоEN Стойкостькистиранию EN530 метод2 2000циклов 6 6 Стойкостькобразованиютрещин примногократномизгибе ENISO7854 методB 1000циклов 1 6 Прочностьнатрапецеидальныйразрыв ENI...

Страница 41: ...тсяпотомилизагрязнится уровеньэлектрическойизоляцииснизится Подэтимкомбинезономнельзяноситьрубашки брюки нательнуюодеждуилибелье которыемогутрасплавитьсяподвоздействиемтепла пламениилиэлектрической дуги РекомендуетсяиспользоватьнеплавкуюнательнуюодеждуилиизготовленнуюподбрендомНомекс Дляобеспечениятермоизоляцииваженвоздухмеждуслоямиматериала Вобластях гдеодеждаплотно прилегаетктелуилизажатаремнями...

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