DSE Model 5510 Autostart Control and Instrumentation System Operators Manual
057-015 5510 OPERATING MANUAL ISSUE 11 07/07/09 AM 17
MAINTENANCE DUE, The module can be configured to monitor either engine running hours or
absolute time, or both. Should either of these values exceed the pre-set service interval the following
alarm will occur.
Maintenance Due
The following alarms are only applicable if synchronising is enabled:
FAILED TO SYNCHRONISE, if the module cannot synchronise within the timer allowed by the
Synchronising timer a warning is initiated. The LCD will indicate ‘FAILED TO SYNC’.
Failed to synchronise
GENERATOR PHASE SEQUENCE WRONG, if the module detects a phase rotation error, a
warning is initiated. The LCD will indicate ‘GEN PHASE SEQ WRONG’.
Gen phase Seq Wrong
BUS PHASE SEQUENCE WRONG, if the module detects a bus phase rotation error a warning is
initiated. The LCD will indicate ‘BUS PHASE SEQ WRONG’.
Bus phase Seq Wrong
NEGATIVE PHASE SEQUENCE, if the module detects an imbalance in the load current of each
phase above a pre-set level, then the following warning will occur.
Negative phase Sequence
MSC DATA ERROR, if the module detects a problem on the MSC link which prevents the module
from communicating correctly with the other modules, then the MSC Data Error alarm will be
triggered. Incorrect wiring type or connection may be a possibility.
MSC Data Error