Arming without Entry Delay
]+[9]+[Access Code]
Entering [
][9] before the arming code will arm the panel without
the entry delay on delay zones. Also “Home-Away” zones are
automatically bypassed. When armed using [
][9], the “Armed”
light will flash to remind the user that the system is armed without
entry delay. This command allows the user to remain at home and
have an instant alarm on the entry doors.
Arming For The Night
To reactivate “Home-Away” zones that have been bypassed by
arming with [
][9], enter [
][1]. When this command is entered, the
“Armed” light will continue to flash to remind the user that the Entry
Delay is not applied to the Delay Zones. Also, the “Bypass” light will
be shut OFF to indicate that the Home-Away zones are no longer
bypassed. Note that [
][1] will not remove bypasses from zones that
have been manually bypassed.
Quick-Exit Command
]+[0] when Armed
Entering [
][0] when the system is armed will allow the user to exit
the premises through any delay zone without altering the status of
the system if the Quick-Exit feature is enabled (section [32], option
[4]). For 2 minutes after [
][0] is entered into an armed system, one
and only one delay loop may be tripped. Any additional activity on
any other active loop will cause that loop to begin its alarm
Quick-Arm Command
Entering [
][0] is accepted as a valid arming code if the Quick-Arm
feature is enabled. This command is often used when individuals
need to arm the system but not disarm the system. This could be
used with home visitors in the case of a residential alarm system or
for junior employees and maintenance staff in the case of commercial
systems. See [
][6] User Functions Command section, for enabling
and disabling the Quick-Arm feature.
Keypad Zones
[F] - [A] - [P]
There are three zones which can be activated with single key
entries on the keypad. For the [F], [A] and [P] keys to be functional
for transmission, they must be enabled by the installer in the Alarm
and Restoral Codes section [09].
[F]ire Key
Pressing the [F] key and holding it for 1 second will
initiate a local pulsing alarm and, if programmed, will transmit the
alarm to the monitoring station. The keypad will sound a series of
short beeps once the panel has accepted the alarm.
[A]uxiliary Key
Pressing the [A] key and holding it for 1 second
will, if programmed, transmit an Auxiliary alarm to the monitoring
station. There is no local alarm and no keypad lights will come ON
when this key function is activated. The keypad will sound a series
of short beeps upon successful completion of the transmission to
the monitoring station.
[P]anic Key
Pressing the [P] key and holding it for 1 second will,
if programmed, send a transmission to the monitoring station. The
alarm signal can be programmed to be
audible or silent. See
Programming section [12], option [6]. If programmed as
the local bell / siren will sound steadily.
Keypad audible annunciation for the [P] key is programmable,
section [14], option [5], for feedback (3 beeps) or silent (no buzzer
feedback). If programmed for
audible, the buzzer will sound once
the key input is accepted.
keep time. When the panel is powered up, the system clock must
be reset. If the time needs to be reset, then a trouble #6 will be
indicated on the keypad. (See [
][2] System Trouble Display).
Trouble #6 will not be generated if the Test Transmission and Auto-
Arm times are not programmed with valid times. (9999 in these
positions disables these features - see Section [19]).
[2] Set Auto-Arm Time
The PC1550 can be programmed to arm at the same time each day.
At the selected Auto-Arm time, the bell will sound one short burst
every 10 seconds for a one minute period if section [32], option [2]
is OFF. The keypad will also sound for one minute. If any key is
pressed during the 1 minute warning period, Auto-Arming will be
aborted. Auto-Arming will be attempted at the same time the next
day. To set the Auto-Arm time, enter [
][6][Master Code][2] then
enter the hours and minutes as described at the beginning of this
section. This feature must also be enabled (see item [5] below).
[3] Reserved for future use.
[4] Quick-Arm ON/OFF
With this feature enabled, the panel can be armed by simply
entering [
[5] Auto-Arm ON/OFF
With this feature enabled, the panel will automatically arm at the
same time each day. The time is set in section [19] or [
[6] Door Chime ON/OFF
With this feature enabled, the keypad will beep 5 times when any
zone defined as a delay or instant circuit opens or closes. The Door
Chime feature does not operate on other zone definitions. Zone
Bypass may be used to eliminate beeping on zones where it is not
wanted. The Door Chime feature functions only while the panel is in
the Disarmed mode.
[8] Bell Test
Pressing [8] while in the User Function Command mode will sound
the bell/siren, the keypad sounder and turn on all the keypad lights
for 2 seconds.
[9] Reserved for future use.
[0] Installer’s Test ON/OFF
This feature facilitates final testing of the system and when enabled,
the bell/siren will operate for 2 seconds each time a zone is put into
alarm. Each zone should be tripped individually to avoid confusion
about which zone originates the alarm. To exit the Installer’s Test
mode, arm then disarm the panel.
The communicator will transmit all alarms and restorals.
Disable the communicator if this is not desired (section [12], option 1).
Utility Output Command
]+[7] or [
]+[7]+[Access Code]
The Programmable Output (PGM terminal) can be programmed for
activation by a keypad command. This output can be used to
operate devices such as door openers, special lighting, door
strikes or to reset smoke detectors ( section [24], item [2], [3] or[4]).
Depending on the option chosen, [
][7] may or may not require a
subsequent access code. When the correct command is entered,
the keypad sounder and the PGM output will operate for 5 seconds.
Installer’s Programming Command
]+[8]+[Installer’s Code]
The PC1550 is completely programmable from the keypad using
commands in the [
][8] section. See the Programming Section.
The default Installer’s Code is [1500].
Содержание PC1550
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