APPENDIX E/ Common Circuit Connections
Connecting to a Potential Transformer
Follow the safety precautions listed on page E-3 when making all potential transformer
Potential Transformers are not manufactured by Dranetz and are discussed here
for informational purposes only.
A potential transformer (PT), also referred to as a voltage instrument transformer,
provides the necessary step-down ratio to reduce the high voltage of circuits above 600
Vrms to a level for safe measurement. A PT also provides isolation and proper
connections for instrument attachment.
PTs are usually fixed in position and require that the voltage probe(s) be connected to
their terminal connections.
Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions, related to the PT, for exact information
for probe connection for voltage monitoring. Do not exceed 600 Vrms input to the
4400 voltage inputs
ADVERTENCIA Consulte las instrucciones del fabricante referentes a TP (transformador
potencial), para la información exacta de la conexión de sonda a fin de monitorear
el voltaje. No supere la entrada de 600 Vrms a las entradas de voltaje de 4400
Se reporter aux instructions du fabricant relatives au transformateur de tension
(Potential Transformer - PT) pour obtenir les renseignements exacts sur la
connexion de sonde utilisée pour la surveillance du courant. Ne pas dépasser
l’entrée de tension efficace de 600 RMS dans les entrées de tension de 4400 volts
Genaue Informationen zur Meßfühlerverbindung für die
Spannungsüberwachung entnehmen Sie bitte den Anleitungen des Herstellers
(siehe Spannungsteilertransformator). Die Eingangsspannung von 600 V
(Effektivwert) in die 4400 Spannungseingänge sollte nicht überschritten werden.
Содержание PowerGuide 4400
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