Dolby Surround
Surround Mixing
Mixing Manual
Chapter 7
7 -
- Video
Video Games
Games and
and Multimedia
SEU4 Game
Game Mode
Mode Alignment
If the encoder has been aligned for normal operation, no
If the encoder has been aligned for normal operation, no changes to alignment will be
changes to alignment will be necessary
for game mode. If the encoder has not
for game mode. If the encoder has not been aligned, you can either set
been aligned, you can either set it up following the normal
it up following the normal
operation, with the unit in the
operation, with the unit in the normal mode, or follow the procedure below which
normal mode, or follow the procedure below which is valid only
is valid only
for game mode.
for game mode.
1. Make sure the unit is in the game mode. To determine this, look at the Surround Active LED
Make sure the unit is in the game mode. To determine this, look at the Surround Active LED
on the front of the
on the front of the encoder, see
encoder, see
Figure 3-10
Figure 3-10
. If the unit is modified for game mode and the
. If the unit is modified for game mode and the
LED is on, the unit is in the normal mode. If the LED is off, the unit is in the game mode.
LED is on, the unit is in the normal mode. If the LED is off, the unit is in the game mode.
2. Apply 1 kHz at 0 dB reference level to the left input.
Apply 1 kHz at 0 dB reference level to the left input.
3. Adjust the left input level to light both green LEDs.
Adjust the left input level to light both green LEDs.
4. Adjust the Lt output for unity
Adjust the Lt output for unity gain or as appropriate for your situation.
gain or as appropriate for your situation.
5. Remove the 1 kHz tone
Remove the 1 kHz tone from the Left channel and apply
from the Left channel and apply it to the surround input.
it to the surround input.
6. Adjust the surround input to light both green
Adjust the surround input to light both green LEDs.
7. Adjust the Rt output for -3
Adjust the Rt output for -3 dB relative to unity gain or
dB relative to unity gain or as appropriate for your situation.
as appropriate for your situation.
Alternate Method:
Alternate Method:
Put the 1 kHz tone into the right input, adjust the input to light both LEDs and adjust the Rt
Put the 1 kHz tone into the right input, adjust the input to light both LEDs and adjust the Rt
output for unity gain or
output for unity gain or as appropriate for your situation.
as appropriate for your situation.
Testing Game
Game Mode
Mode Encoding
Encoding with
with an
an Audio
Audio Console
Because the output of the encoder in
Because the output of the encoder in game mode cannot be directly monitored with the decoder,
game mode cannot be directly monitored with the decoder,
additional circuitry or processing is required to properly assemble the signals. In most
additional circuitry or processing is required to properly assemble the signals. In most
circumstances, this is accomplished within the game. However, it
circumstances, this is accomplished within the game. However, it is possible to take the two
is possible to take the two
encoded signal outputs from the encoder, run them through the console and
encoded signal outputs from the encoder, run them through the console and mix them together to
mix them together to
check for compatibility through the decoder.
check for compatibility through the decoder.
To do so, connect the left
To do so, connect the left (F information) output to a console fader, the r
(F information) output to a console fader, the r ight (S information)
ight (S information)
output to a second fader, and a
output to a second fader, and a polarity inverted version of the Rt output to
polarity inverted version of the Rt output to a third fader. The
a third fader. The
polarity inversion may be accomplished by using the phase invert switch for
polarity inversion may be accomplished by using the phase invert switch for the applicable input
the applicable input
module on the console, or by wiring the
module on the console, or by wiring the input connection with a reverse wired
input connection with a reverse wired connector or patch
connector or patch