Dolby Surround
Surround Mixing
Mixing Manual
Chapter 5
5 -
- Mixing
Mixing Techniques
designed to be used with their own decoders are
designed to be used with their own decoders are another issue. The real question is how
another issue. The real question is how many
consumers are going to be able to hear
consumers are going to be able to hear the mix with the
the mix with the proper decoder. Dolby Surround is the de
proper decoder. Dolby Surround is the de
facto standard matrix surround system worldwide. If a listener has a
facto standard matrix surround system worldwide. If a listener has a surround decoder, it most
surround decoder, it most
likely is a Dolby Surround decoder.
likely is a Dolby Surround decoder.
Mono, Stereo,
Stereo, and
and Dolby
Dolby Surround
Surround Compatibility
Mixing techniques used in Dolby Surround productions are similar to those used
Mixing techniques used in Dolby Surround productions are similar to those used in normal stereo
in normal stereo
productions. Just as you should check mono compatibility of a stereo mix, you should also check
productions. Just as you should check mono compatibility of a stereo mix, you should also check
mono and stereo compatibility of a Dolby
mono and stereo compatibility of a Dolby Surround mix.
Surround mix.
In most cases, stereo compatibility is not an
In most cases, stereo compatibility is not an issue. The mix’s surround element will appear to be
issue. The mix’s surround element will appear to be
outside of the speakers as would an out
outside of the speakers as would an out of phase signal. Notice that the entire
of phase signal. Notice that the entire mix should not
mix should not
sound out of phase, and there should still be
sound out of phase, and there should still be a hard center image.
a hard center image.
Mono compatibility is a little trickier.
Mono compatibility is a little trickier. Anything that is in the
Anything that is in the Surround channel will disappear in
Surround channel will disappear in
mono. This is an asset in
mono. This is an asset in some cases and a detriment in others.
some cases and a detriment in others.
In situations like live sporting events, the lack
In situations like live sporting events, the lack of some crowd information in the mono
of some crowd information in the mono mix will
mix will
help those at home listening in mono on
help those at home listening in mono on a 3-inch television speaker to hear the
a 3-inch television speaker to hear the announcers a little
announcers a little
easier. In other applications, the mix may have a critical element in it that is predominately in the
easier. In other applications, the mix may have a critical element in it that is predominately in the
Surround channel. For this reason, surround elements should also be present in a front channel,
Surround channel. For this reason, surround elements should also be present in a front channel,
interior panned, so they will be heard
interior panned, so they will be heard in mono, as is commonly practiced in
in mono, as is commonly practiced in the film industry.
the film industry.
When tracks are being generated for use with
When tracks are being generated for use with other elements like a music mix
other elements like a music mix for film or video,
for film or video,
it is often desirable to
it is often desirable to monitor through a Dolby Surround decoder. These tracks are seldom
monitor through a Dolby Surround decoder. These tracks are seldom
mixed and encoded before delivery, but are commonly sent
mixed and encoded before delivery, but are commonly sent as elements on separate tracks (L, C,
as elements on separate tracks (L, C,
R, and S). It is
R, and S). It is important that you know that the
important that you know that the elements are acceptable when run through the
elements are acceptable when run through the
Dolby Surround encoding system during the final mix or the result can
Dolby Surround encoding system during the final mix or the result can be undesirable. The two
be undesirable. The two
most common problems are soundtracks that are very mono in nature or
most common problems are soundtracks that are very mono in nature or that contain phase
that contain phase
information that make them sound surround heavy. The measures required to correct these
information that make them sound surround heavy. The measures required to correct these
problems at the final mix session will
problems at the final mix session will compromise the mix of the elements, and
compromise the mix of the elements, and so these
so these
problems should be corrected before the four channel elements are recorded.
problems should be corrected before the four channel elements are recorded.
Common Pitfalls
Although you may like a surround effect that
Although you may like a surround effect that spins your head, and it may be
spins your head, and it may be just what your
just what your
production needs, repeating the move dozens of times will usually tire
production needs, repeating the move dozens of times will usually tire the listener. The key to
the listener. The key to aa
good surround mix is subtlety. Don’t draw attention to y
good surround mix is subtlety. Don’t draw attention to y our techniques. The listener should never
our techniques. The listener should never
be distracted from the screen by surround effects. Loud, obnoxious, or out of place
be distracted from the screen by surround effects. Loud, obnoxious, or out of place effects detract
effects detract
from the production. Keep it fun, but tasteful.
from the production. Keep it fun, but tasteful.
Mixes that are surround heavy will distract the
Mixes that are surround heavy will distract the viewer from the on screen action,
viewer from the on screen action, so do not put
so do not put
too much information in the Surround channel. If you
too much information in the Surround channel. If you find yourself thinking about what you just
find yourself thinking about what you just