Dolby Surround
Surround Mixing
Mixing Manual
Chapter 5
5 -
- Mixing
Mixing Techniques
in the Surround channel. This results in out of
in the Surround channel. This results in out of phase or inverted information in the stereo pair,
phase or inverted information in the stereo pair,
which XY stereo microphone techniques typically produce. While this may
which XY stereo microphone techniques typically produce. While this may sound pleasing by
sound pleasing by
itself and no encoding seems necessary, this is an unpredictable process that should not
itself and no encoding seems necessary, this is an unpredictable process that should not be relied
be relied
upon. Adding another element to the mix, such as
upon. Adding another element to the mix, such as a voiceover, could easily change the
a voiceover, could easily change the mix’s
phase characteristics of the mix and alter the
phase characteristics of the mix and alter the decoding process. It is best to put at
decoding process. It is best to put at least a little
least a little
information from this signal source through the surround input of the encoder, ensuring the
information from this signal source through the surround input of the encoder, ensuring the
decoding of the real surround signals, not some random out of
decoding of the real surround signals, not some random out of phase information.
phase information.
In some cases, too much surround information is present, as with electronic keyboards, which
In some cases, too much surround information is present, as with electronic keyboards, which
achieve a stereo signal from a
achieve a stereo signal from a mono source via electronic processing. If your favorite sound
mono source via electronic processing. If your favorite sound
produces too much information in the Surround channel, simply pan the left
produces too much information in the Surround channel, simply pan the left a little towards
a little towards
center and the right an equal a
center and the right an equal amount towards center. This cancels out some of the
mount towards center. This cancels out some of the out of phase
out of phase
information and corrects the decoder. The panning required varies with the sound, but
information and corrects the decoder. The panning required varies with the sound, but usually
does not take much to produce a good
does not take much to produce a good result.
Decoder Mistracking
Mistracking and
and Steering
Steering Artifacts
When mixing, the decoder can only steer in
When mixing, the decoder can only steer in one direction at a
one direction at a time, so you must plan the
time, so you must plan the sound
field carefully. Movie mixers have been doing this
field carefully. Movie mixers have been doing this successfully for over 20 years, so do not be
successfully for over 20 years, so do not be
overwhelmed—it can be done quite easily.
overwhelmed—it can be done quite easily.
Problems result when two very different and unrelated sounds are sent to
Problems result when two very different and unrelated sounds are sent to two different channels
two different channels
at once. For example, crickets in the
at once. For example, crickets in the Surround channel and chickens in the front cause
Surround channel and chickens in the front cause the sounds
the sounds
to bleed into the other channels and
to bleed into the other channels and produce a dynamic image shift. This effect
produce a dynamic image shift. This effect is distracting and
is distracting and
It is also common for a music
It is also common for a music track to contain a prominent lead
track to contain a prominent lead instrument in the Left or Right
instrument in the Left or Right
channel while an announcer comes from the Center channel. The
channel while an announcer comes from the Center channel. The instrument appears to move
instrument appears to move
from its intended speaker towards the center when the
from its intended speaker towards the center when the announcer speaks and then return to the
announcer speaks and then return to the
correct speaker when the announcer stops talking. The solution is to
correct speaker when the announcer stops talking. The solution is to either pan the music element
either pan the music element
towards center or temporarily reduce its level.
towards center or temporarily reduce its level.
Often, when producing motion picture sound effects, the sound effects designer removes all
Often, when producing motion picture sound effects, the sound effects designer removes all
ambient sounds briefly so that another may be heard
ambient sounds briefly so that another may be heard more prominently. For example,
more prominently. For example,
background sounds might contain a little traffic. A door
background sounds might contain a little traffic. A door slam may be next. At
slam may be next. At this, the traffic and
this, the traffic and
night sounds are either very low level or
night sounds are either very low level or disappear entirely. After the door slams the other
disappear entirely. After the door slams the other sounds
are already back in the mix.
are already back in the mix. Because the door slam covered them, they aren’t missed by
Because the door slam covered them, they aren’t missed by the
Surround Pumping
Bad transmission paths frequently cause pumping of the Surround channel that is rarely heard
Bad transmission paths frequently cause pumping of the Surround channel that is rarely heard in
the mixing environment. Often a limiter is
the mixing environment. Often a limiter is active in one channel of
active in one channel of the transmission path but not
the transmission path but not
the other, or a stereo limiter
the other, or a stereo limiter is not set up the same
is not set up the same for both channels. The solution is to either
for both channels. The solution is to either
remove the limiters or set them up
remove the limiters or set them up identically and verify that they
identically and verify that they are linked together. This
are linked together. This
problem can be heard during the mix
problem can be heard during the mix if a stereo limiter is being
if a stereo limiter is being used excessively or if only part
used excessively or if only part
of the element is limited.
of the element is limited. It is impossible to discuss all possibilities, but always
It is impossible to discuss all possibilities, but always look for
look for